The game is simple, the locations are simply very detailed, down to the smallest detail. Well, of course, I was unlucky with that body that was fun, because there was a screamer, the screamers are over after they became not scary. The behavior of the characters was especially developed, for example Mila,
I completed it, the game is great!
The review has been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Игра имба просто, локации просто очень проработаные, до мельчайших деталях. Ну мне конечно не повезло с тем телом которое весело, потому что был скример, скримеры кончено после стали не страшны. Особенно проработана поведение героев, к примеру Мила,
Я прошёл её, игра класс!