Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is a continuation of the series of role-playing action games set in a fictional medieval world full of battles. Horns are... Read more
Hip Holstered Two Handed Swords-Optional 1H Swords on Back Mod Included.
This is a simple mod that will allow you to carry all two-handed swords on your belt, just like one-handed swords.
Upload the files from the downloaded archive to this path / Steam / steamapps / common / Mount & Blade II Bannerlord / Modules / Native / ModuleData
Hip Holstered Two Handed Swords-Optional 1H Swords on Back Mod Included.
Это простой мод, который позволит вам носить все двуручные мечи на поясе, также, как и одноручные мечи.
Закиньте файлы из скачанного архива по этому пути / Steam / steamapps / common / Mount & Blade II Bannerlord / Modules / Native / ModuleData
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