No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky is an adventure simulator with a first-person view set in a futuristic environment. You will embark on the exploration of outer space and planets, some... Read more
Old main menu background

Old Main Menu Background. Restores the main menu background image to what it was before the Waypoint update.
Dark interface

BG Dark UI. A simple texture replacement mod that allows you to use dark UI elements almost everywhere. Including custom menu background.
Centered Atlas Icon

Centered Atlas Icon. You can call me picky about this, and maybe you're right, but what bothers me is the misaligned atlas icon in the single player mode selection image since the release of Origins. So this mod simply aligns that icon correctly with ...
Disabling warnings in VR

No VR Warning. This is a simple mod that disables the "Out of Play Zone" warning when you play in VR mode. Changes UI/HUD/HUDVRWARNING.MBIN.
Disabling intros for Beyond
The mod disables introductory screens. Works in the Beyond update.
Small cursor
The modification makes the cursor smaller, making it less bulky.
Instant Clicks
The mod changes the menu - now the interface buttons respond instantly to presses.
Less detail on the HUD

The mod reduces the amount of detail on the interface so that there is no overloaded screen on planets inhabited by players.
Retro ship panel
The mod redraws the interface inside the ship in a retro style, adding more colors to the panels.
Mouse wheel control
The mod allows you to change the size of the terrain manipulator using the mouse wheel, just like before Beyond.