Files for Phasmophobia / Sounds

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Russian ghosts and writings on the walls

Russian ghosts and writings on the walls
Author: Cydaaaaaaa
Size: 26.35 MB
Uploaded by: Cydaaaaaaa
Date: July 25, 2022
Downloads: 1856
Comments: 3
Download The mod allows Russian-speaking players to completely imbued with atmosphere of the game and experience a true sense of fear. After all, it’s not so scary to hear “I’m here” in a foreign language; it will be much more scary to hear “Behind your bac ...

Radio with a song from the movie "Ghostbusters"

Radio with a song from the movie "Ghostbusters"
Author: Robotnic25
Size: 17.00 kB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: January 6, 2021
Downloads: 514
Comments: 0
Download Ghost Busters Radio. Replaces the radio noise with the Ghost Busters Theme song. Installation: 1. Open SteamLibrary / steamapps / common / Phasmophobia / Phasmophobia_Data 2. Back up Phasmophobia_Data just in case 3. Delete the file: sharedassets2 ...