A cooperative psychological horror game for 4 people, where players take on the role of paranormal hunters and set off to explore mystical locations in search of... Read more
Russian ghosts and writings on the walls

The mod allows Russian-speaking players to completely imbued with atmosphere of the game and experience a true sense of fear. After all, it’s not so scary to hear “I’m here” in a foreign language; it will be much more scary to hear “Behind your bac ...
Radio with a song from the movie "Ghostbusters"

Ghost Busters Radio. Replaces the radio noise with the Ghost Busters Theme song. Installation: 1. Open SteamLibrary / steamapps / common / Phasmophobia / Phasmophobia_Data 2. Back up Phasmophobia_Data just in case 3. Delete the file: sharedassets2 ...