ESPN NHL 2K5 is a third-person hockey simulator with sports game elements from the studio Kush Games, Inc.. The main publisher of the game is SEGA of...
Game released (USA, Canada): February 16, 2005 → Xbox
Dai senryaku 7: Modern Military Tactics is a top-down strategy game with sandbox elements from the masters at SystemSoft Alpha Corporation. The game...
Game released (USA, Canada): February 23, 2005 → Xbox
Mob Enforcer is a first-person action game with shooter elements from developers from the Touchdown Entertainment, Inc. studio. The game is published...
Game released (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden): February 25, 2005 → Xbox
Atari: 80 Classic Games in One is a game from the masters at Digital Eclipse Software, Inc.. The game is published by Atari Interactive, Inc.. Atari...