Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is a sequel to the arcade fighting game with a third-person view, Dragon Ball Xenoverse. The second part continues the story...
Marvel Pinball Epic Collection: Volume 1 is a pinball simulator from Nighthawk Interactive. The game is published by Nighthawk Interactive. For some...
Xenoraid is a top-down arcade game with shooter elements from the masters from the studio 10tons Ltd. The game is published by 10tons and 10tons Ltd...
Dishonored 2 is an action-adventure game with a first-person view and stealth elements. The game continues the story of the original Dishonored, the...
Game released (The whole world): November 14, 2016 → Xbox
Eragon (2006) is a third-person role-playing game with fantasy game elements from the developers of Amaze Entertainment, Inc.. The game is published...
Watch Dogs 2 is a continuation of the hacker action game in the open world with a third-person view. The events of the game take place on the streets...
We Sing is an arcade and music game from Wired Productions Kukouri. The main publisher of the game is THQ Nordic. It's possible that We Sing is being...
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood is a hidden object adventure puzzle game set in a fantasy setting. You have to go on a dangerous adventure on the...
Voice is a fun musical arcade game for a large company, created based on the song show “The Voice” of the same name. The game can involve up to eight...