Travis Touchdown
Travis Touchdown - Updated Boogaloo. Welcome back to the Garden of Madness, Travis. Play as a legendary hero and try to finish off a couple more assassins. The model has been completely redesigned, the main problems with overshoots, incorrect and str ...
Snow White
Snow White. This mod adds a gorgeous and kind Disney princess to the game. He learned kung fu to take revenge on the evil queen. I've also included the Blender source files for those interested in porting or modifying this mod.
Azula from the animated series "Avatar"
Avatar Azula W physics. This mod replaces the main character with Azula from the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. To install, place pak in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods, if ~mods does not exist, create it. In mission 3, in the boss fight a ...
Naked main character
SIFU - Nude Male Mod. This mod completely undresses the male protagonist and removes his hair and beard. Known Issues: Some story animations and characters cannot be displayed. To install, place the mod file in the SIFU/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods folder ...
Game for a little girl
Play as a Little Girl. What if you didn't have to wait 8 years to get your revenge? Play as a little girl! This mod is under development. To install, place pak and sig in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods.
Bartender game
Play as Bartender. This mod will allow you to play as a bartender as the main character. To install, place pak and sig in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods.
Guy with a tie
Play as Tie Guy. This is the only character model with a physical tie that I can change to the main character without crashing the game. To install, place pak and sig in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods.
Playing for the big boys
The Chunky Boys. This mod will allow you to play as one of the big fat enemies. To install, go to your Sifu installation directory (for example /Epic Games/Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks). Create a new folder called mods. Place BOTH pak and sig files into a ...
Guy with a naked torso
Play as Club Discipline. This mod will allow you to play as one of your opponents. He wears sweatpants and has an open top. To install, place pak and sig in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods.
Guy in the hood
Play as Hooded Clubber. This mod will allow you to play as a character wearing a red hoodie and a mask. To install, place pak and sig in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods.
Play as a robed trainer
Play as Robed Trainer. It's the guy in the robe from the club's training room. To install, place pak and sig in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods.
Jinfeng's bodyguard
Jinfeng's Bodyguard. This was supposed to be added with my Burning Apprentice mod, but here's one of my favorite mini-bosses by design. Go to your Sifu installation directory (for example /Epic Games/Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks). Create a new folder calle ...
Play for The Flash Kicks
Play as The Flash Kicks. This mod will allow you to play as one of 5 characters in The Flash Kicks. To install, go to your Sifu installation directory (for example /Epic Games/Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks). Create a new folder called ~mods so that the new ...
Game for SkullBro
Play as SkullBro. This mod will allow you to play as a guy with a skull tattoo on his face. There is a small seam on his back, but it is almost invisible. To install, place pak and sig in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods.
Burning Disciples
The Burning Disciples. You will be able to play as one of the burning student mini-bosses. To install, simply unpack the downloaded archive into /Epic Games/Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods. If you don't have a "~mods" folder, create one.