Power Rangers SPD
Power Ranger SPD Pack. Play as (my second ranger) Blue Ranger or (my least favorite ranger) Omega Ranger. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Azel instead of Yang
Azel - Yang Swap. Replaces Yang (prologue/boss) with Azel from Hand of God. To install, unpack the archive into the mods folder.
Devil's Hand - Azel
Devil Hand Azel. Play as the character Azel from the 2006 cult classic film Hand of God. Includes facial animation + clothing physics.
Omega Rangers
Boom Comics Omega Rangers. This mod is from the ongoing comic book series of Power Rangers Jason, Zack and Trini as the Omega Rangers. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Kingpin. Wilson Grant Fisk will replace the big guy. Place pak and sig in your Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods, if ~mods doesn't exist, create it.
Don Vito Corleone "The Godfather"
Don Vito Corleone (The Godfather). Original model from EA Games/Visceral Games, converted to SIFU by Huckleberrypie I've also included the Blender source files for those interested in porting or modifying this mod. Feel free to use this mod in any co ...
Harley Quinn (The Happy Jester)
Harley Quinn (Lucky Jester). This mod replaces the female protagonist with Harley Quinn. Customized texture colors from the Infinite Crisis model. To install, go to Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods and extract the pak and sig files there.
Daniel LaRusso
Daniel LaRusso Replacements Yang. This is a mod of Daniel LaRusso from Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. Replaces Young. To install, unpack the archive into the mods folder.
Moon Knight
Moon Knight (Physics Cape). Play as Moon Knight from MARVEL Future Fight. Replace the male protagonist with Moon Knight with a realistic physical cape. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods. ...
Harley Quinn (mini collection)
Harley Quinn (Mini Collection). Harley Quinn is changed to fit the main female character in Sifu. Overall they work fine; slight trimming in certain poses. Installation: go to Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods and extract the necessary pak and sig files there ...
Senator Armstrong
Senator Armstrong as Yang. I always wanted to go the 2nd and 3rd rounds against Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Vigilante. Vigilante from the series "Peacemaker". Place pak and sig in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods, if ~mods does not exist create it and place it in a folder.
Snow White (Disney's Mirror Universe)
Snow White (Disney Mirrorverse). Snow White got tired of her stepmother's quirks and decided to go through kung fu. This mod is intended for mature players only and is created for parody purposes that fall under fair use. Due to the graphic nature of ...
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Belle (Beauty and the Beast). Not to be confused with Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite. Belle, as we all know, is a bibliophile, but she was so tired of Gaston that she decided to shove a blunderbuss down the hunter's throat. Here's an account of wha ...
Dino Thunder Rangers
Power Ranger Dino Thunder Pack. This mod replaces the main character with one of the 3 available Power Rangers. To install, unpack the archive to this path /Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods.