Third-person horror with elements of survival and adventure Silent Hill 2 is a remake of the cult classic from 2001. The new game largely follows... Read more
Functions and commands: No sway – no swaying; No recoil – no recoil; No spread – no spread. How to run: Open “Cheat Engine”; Click “Load” and select the table; Click “Select a process to open” and select the desired process; ...
Functions: Infinite health. Infinite ammo. Instant kill. Invisibility mode. No reload. Super accuracy. No recoil. Edit: Number of medicinal drinks. Edit: Number of treatment syringes. Edit: Number of rounds.
Save Features: Completed the game in New Game + mode on standard difficulty without dying, in less than 10 hours, without using a radio and without killing enemies with firearms. All the notes, strange photos were found, all the scenes from the ...
Save files for all 8 endings that can be obtained in the game. How to run: select one of the endings and unpack to this path /LOCALAPPDATA/SilentHill2/Saved/SaveGames/user-id.
All collectibles collected in the hotel from another world. Since the author forgot to collect all the notes in one of the saves, there are 2 saves. The one that starts you in the reading room has all the weird photos and glimpses of the past, and ...
After the patch, many, like me, encountered the problem of passing the room with the cube. More precisely, after passing the “rotten room” the new door was not unlocked. I waited a long time for a solution to the issue, but without waiting, I downlo ...
Trainer creation/update date: 10/22/2024. Trainer language: English. Number of functions: 21. Functions and commands: Infinite Health - infinite health; One-Hit Kills - kill with one hit; Set Damage Multiplier — set the damage multiplier; S ...
There are 3 files in the archive: NG. "Stay" ending. The last save before Pyramid Head. All collectibles (notes, photographs, glimpses); NG+. Ending "In the water". The last save point before Pyramid Head. NG+. Ending "Maria". Save before go ...
For some reason, there is a bug that saves may not be displayed as ng+, while obtaining the “UFO” and “Dog” endings becomes impossible. In the ending archive: Battle with the final boss for the “Rebirth” and “Silence” endings. Radio turned o ...
Save for collecting all collectibles, unlocking all achievements and endings. Save at the Jax Motel, after meeting Maria. Time 52 minutes. Radio turned off, only melee weapons used. Angela's knife, Mary's photo and letter are untouched. Col ...
Save features: The game was completed on the standard difficulty level without deaths, NG+ is available. Manual saves are made in each new location. The first three slots allow you to start the last phase of the battle with the final boss and ...
Completed the game once, licensed for the “Leaving” ending. After completing the game, the following are available: new color and graphic filters, New Game+, the ability to get NG+ endings. Puzzle difficulty: standard. Combat difficulty: stand ...
The game was completed once, without a license, for the "Maria" ending. After completing the game, the following are available: new color and graphic filters, New Game+, the ability to get NG+ endings. Puzzle difficulty: standard. Combat diffi ...