Games Sniper Elite 4 Files Savegames Save / SaveGame (level 51, upgraded sniper rifle, machine gun, pistol to gold)
Sniper Elite 4
A direct sequel to Sniper Elite 3, in which the main character travels to Italy in 1943. He acts in the ranks of the Italian resistance and tries to free the... Read more
Save / SaveGame (level 51, upgraded sniper rifle, machine gun, pistol to gold)
1503263181_sniper_elite_4.rarDownload 922 байтArchive password: vgtimes
Save the save to C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\SniperElite4\PC_ProfileSaves after first deleting/moving the existing files.
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Сохранение / SaveGame (51 уровень, прокачаны снайперская винтовка, пулемёт, пистолет до золотых)
Сохранения бросать в C:\Users\ваше имя пользователя\AppData\Local\SniperElite4\PC_ProfileSaves предварительно удалив/переместив имеющиеся файлы.
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