Files for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 / Animation and Graphics

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Lighting like in the game STAR WARS: Squadrons

Lighting like in the game STAR WARS: Squadrons
Author: Y wingpilot2
Size: 13.10 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: October 30, 2020
Downloads: 145
Comments: 0
Download Squadron's lighting. This small mod makes the lighting as similar to that used in STAR WARS: Squadrons as possible.

BetterSaber X – lightsabers like in the movies

BetterSaber X – lightsabers like in the movies
Author: Dulana57
Size: 5.68 MB
Uploaded by: addvans
Date: April 14, 2019
Downloads: 298
Comments: 0
Download The mod improves the appearance of lightsaber blades, making them more similar to the blades in the films. In particular, the blades become brighter and the marks from their swings become slightly smaller. Installation requires Frosty Mod Manager.