Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Players once again take on the role of Cal Kestis, a young Jedi trying to survive in the dark times after Order 66. The events of the game take place several years... Read more
Darth Maul in the style of "The Clone Wars"
dart-mol-v-stile-vojjn-klonov_1683517814_325736.7zDownload 21.04 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Darth Maul costume based on The Clone Wars (without fabric physics). Replaces the hunter's shirt and tactical pants.
How to run:
- unpack this path Jedi Survivor/SwGame/Content/Paks.
The file name and description have been translated Show original
(RU)Show translation
Дарт Мол в стиле «Войн клонов»
Костюм Дарта Мола по мотивам «Войн клонов» (без физики ткани). Заменяет рубашку охотника и тактические брюки.
Как запустить:
- распаковать по этому пути Jedi Survivor/SwGame/Content/Paks.
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