Subnautica: Below Zero
Subnautica: Below Zero is a continuation of the adventure action game Subnautica from a first-person perspective, combining elements of role-playing, sandbox... Read more
Respawning creatures

Respawning Creatures. This mod makes it so that all creatures will respawn after death or falling into a trap. The game assigns default respawn values, so it just uses them. From my testing, it seems like small fish respawn every 5 minutes, medium fi ...
Created Ion Cubes

Craftable Ion Cubes. Adds ion cubes to the manufacturer's electronics section. Comes in 2 versions: normal and cheat.
Radial menus

Radial Tabs BelowZero. This mod replaces all dropdown menus with circular options. To install, unpack the archive to this path /Subnautica/QMods/.
Creature Spawn Control

Manage Creature Spawns. Don't like a certain creature? Get rid of it. Have you ever wanted to get rid of those damn leviathans so much that you started mass genocide? Well, worry no more! In a couple of minutes you can remove an entire view from the ...
Storage Information

Storage Info BZ. This mod shows additional information about the current locker fill status.
Metal gloves

Metal Hands BZ. Add new gloves to break down resources faster and collect them directly into your inventory. There is also a module that turns the Shrimp Claw into a Gravity Claw and also automatically collects broken items. You can find blueprints r ...
Mobile scan room module

Seatruck Scanner Module. This mod adds a mobile scan room module for Seatruck. Functions: The Seatruck Scanner Module adds four new items to the game: - Mobile Scanner Room Fragment: Appears on the ground in the Purple Vents biome. - Mobile scann ...
Epsilon Center

Epsilon Facility. For players who want to play Subnautica: Below Zero and enjoy the story, exploration and survival without worrying about their base. This is a survival save file that has one key feature - the addition of a self-sustaining abandoned ...
Light shader

TheIcebergs Lightweight Shader. A lightweight ReShade configuration that enhances colors and shadows using only a few effects. NO FPS LOSS!
Realistic visual effects

Realistic Visuals. I took the liberty of tweaking the visuals a bit so it doesn't look like you just increased the contrast. Looks much nicer, a little more realistic (less cartoony) but still retains the good visibility and classic look of Subnautic ...
Disable automatic addition to quick slots

Disable Auto-add to Quickslots BZ. This mod disables the automatic addition of items to the quick action slot. For example, if you picked up a fish, it will not be added to your quick access bar. Only you choose which item you want on the Quick Acces ...
Terraforming ability

Terraforming Ability. Adds a terraforming feature. Functions: - Saves/loads modified terrain to/from saves. Saves only those areas of terrain that have been modified, reducing save size bloat, into a new CompiledOctreesCache folder in your save f ...
Intimidating atmosphere

TheDepthsBZ Shader. A Reshade configuration designed to make the game both aesthetically pleasing and deadly terrifying. This shader will give your world a more gritty look while maintaining or enhancing the bright, poppy colors. This leaves you in d ...
Base destruction fix

Base Deconstruct Fix. When deconstructed in the original Subnautica, all corridors only return 2 titanium or 2 glass instead of the correct recipe. This mod fixes this so you can now get the correct parts.
Basic kits

Base Kits. Adds recipes for base building kits. When building, there are now 2 recipes for most base parts and some base modules. However, when you deconstruct, you will get back ingredients that are not included in the kit, so make sure you place th ...