Supermarket Simulator
The player controls the store. First you need to arrange the retail space by arranging shelves, counters and other interior items. Then you will have to receive the... Read more
Korean hotel sign

Replaces the hotel sign with a Korean one. How to run: unpack to this path Supermarket Simulator/BepInEx/plugins/TextureReplacer/objects_textures.
Improved street

new brick sidewalks; new asphalt streets with much less worn out surfaces; removes debris and leaves from your sidewalks; makes puddles less noticeable.
Best Ceiling Lighting

Better organization of ceiling lights, with labeling and clarity. How to run: unpack to this path Steam/steamapps/common/Supermarket Simulator.
24 hours

Changes the time display in the upper right corner and on the gaming computer to 24-hour.
Coca-Cola refrigerator

Replaces signs on refrigerators A, B and freezers.
Upright freezers

Adds upright freezers to the game.
Amazon Boxes

Texture that changes the default box to the Amazon box. How to run: unpack this path BepInEx/plugins.
Removing trash from streets

This mod removes trash from the streets.
Monster Energy Small Fridge

Adds a new small refrigerator to the game in the Monster Energy coloring. The set includes a thermometer.
Russian stores

This mod changes the names of all stores in the game to Russian translations, and also changes the signs.
Monster Energy

Replacing boxes of beer with boxes of Monster Energy.
Игры PS1 вместо книг

Список игр на лицензии lvl 71: Crash Bandicoot; Marvel Vs. Capcom; Spyro Dragon; Mortal Kombat 4; Grand Theft Auto; Dino Crisis. Список игр на лицензию lvl 81: Spiderman; Army Men 3D; Medal of Honor; Driver; Tomb Raid ...
A set of Russian products

This mod changes several textures of goods and also a bank card. Changed items 63 out of 163. How to run: unpack this path Supermarket Simulator/BepInEx/plugins/TextureReplace.
Russian goods

A mod that changes the textures of regular products to products from Russia. Changed items: Peanut Butter (PB's) - Nutella; Soda (Turko) - Good cola; Soda (Cola) - CoolCola; Bottled Water (Aotte) - Holy spring; Cake (Bon Papa ...
Own sign

Allows you to add a banner in PNG format to your store sign. In the StoreBanner folder in the BepInEx/plugins directory there is a file called texBanner.png - this is the file that needs to be replaced. We recommend using a resolution of 800 x 100 p ...