Supermarket Simulator
The player controls the store. First you need to arrange the retail space by arranging shelves, counters and other interior items. Then you will have to receive the... Read more
Black ceramic floor

A beautiful black ceramic floor, charming and matching with most decor tones, replaces the game's starting floor. How to run: unpack to this path Supermarket Simulator/BepInEx/plugins/TextureReplacer/objects_textures.
Lacquered wood floor

This is an HD varnished wood texture for the floor. Replaces the original floor.
White plaster ceiling

Replaces the standard ceiling with a more beautiful and realistic one. How to run: unpack to this path Supermarket Simulator/BepInEx/plugins/TextureReplacer/objects_textures.
Stop the storekeepers

This mod causes vendors to stop and remain motionless wherever they are currently until you tell them to move again. Default keys: F1 to stop refilling; F2 to resume replenishment.
Beer and liquor store

This is a save that will allow you to start the game with two licenses to sell beer and liquor.
Amazon Canada Boxes

Changing product boxes to Amazon Canada boxes.
small staircase

This mod changes the basic stairs in the game to more compact versions. Saves pantry space while offering a new visual appeal.

This is a saving to start the game as a bookstore, you have everything you need from the very beginning (books, warehouse, replenishment of supplies) the rest is the same as at a normal start.
Maximum level - empty space

The store has a maximum level, all licenses have been purchased, all storage facilities have been unlocked and the maximum amount of money has been purchased. Cashiers and stock replenishers are not unlocked. This save will allow you to build the st ...
Throw boxes anywhere

This mod allows you to throw boxes wherever you want, no more of this nonsense like “you can’t throw here.”
Infinite money and maximum store level

This save gives you infinite money and the maximum store level. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Users/your computer name/AppData/LocalLow/Nokta Games/Supermarket Simulator/; start the game, click “Load save” and select InfMoneyMaxLevel. ...
Pause for storekeepers

This mod allows you to stop the refills from working by pressing the pause key on your keyboard. The replenishers will finish the task they are currently performing, and then return outside and wait until you unpause. To install you will need Melon ...

This is a universal mod loader for games created on the Unity engine.
Smarter storekeepers

Changes the behavior of stock replenishers to reduce the number of half-filled boxes in your storage. Features: when grabbing a box from the rack, instead of the last added box, the one with the least amount of goods will be grabbed; if you h ...
Everything is unlocked

For this layout, it's a blank canvas where you can place everything however you want. In this layout, the author has placed lamps evenly throughout the main supermarket. There is also $500,000 in the save file. How to run: unpack to this path /u ...