Tales of Arise
Tales of Arise is an action-adventure role-playing game with a third-person view in the Tales of series. The game will tell you about the planets Dana and Rena. The... Read more
New walking animation for Kisara

Kisara Walk Animation For Shionne. This is a small mod that replaces Kisara's default gait with Shionna's walking animation. Installation in this path: Steam/steamapps/common/Tales of Arise/Arise/Content/Paks/~mods.
Disable paint filter

Disable paint filter. Unplug that nasty oil filter. Installation: Download Engine.ini in the files section and move it to localappdata/BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment/Tales of Arise/Config/WindowsNoEditor, if you already have other mods that will change ...
Improved overall graphics quality

Increase Overall Quality. This is an Engine.ini configuration that raises shadows, highlights, post-processing effects, disables chromatic aberration, increases Ambient Oclussion and LOD quality between many more other elements.
Improved graphics

Tales of Areshade. This is a reshade preset that makes the graphics more rich and realistic.