Tales of Arise
Tales of Arise is an action-adventure role-playing game with a third-person view in the Tales of series. The game will tell you about the planets Dana and Rena. The... Read more
New Battle Character Icons

Character Art Revamped - Battle. Changes combat character icons to new ones created by repurposing and retouching existing game art. Includes all the different options (Alphen with mask, late game, etc.).
Huttle - cursor

Hootle THE CURSOR. This mod adds an animal to the cursor - a hutla. Installation at this path /Arise/Content/Paks/~mods.
Anime subtitles

Anime Subtitles - (White font - Black Outline). Changes the subtitle font, color and font size to what you would expect from a modern anime. The font is commonly used in cutscenes, skits, and battle scenes.
Colorful controls

Colorful Controls. Colored button hints for Xbox, PS4 and Steam controllers. Place the downloaded PAK file in your Tales of Arise/Arise/Content/Paks/~mods folder.
PlayStation Button Tips

PlayStation Button Prompts. This mod replaces the XBox button symbols in the Dualshock versions. To install, place the pak file in your mods folder.
Green screen

Green Screen. Changes the pause menu background to green screen to make it easier to create transparent screenshots/videos. Installation: 1. Go to your Steam library. SteamLibrary / steamapps / common / Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks / 2 ...
Shutting down the interface

Hud Toggle. Enables/disables HUD elements. Can be configured to affect specific UI elements. To install: 1After downloading the mod, open the folder and extract the contents to Tales of Arise / Arise / Binaries / Win64 (where the exe is located). ...