Games The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos Files Tables Table for Cheat Engine [1.5.988.47421]
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos is a tactical role-playing game in a fantasy setting. A group of heroes (barbarian, mage, robber, elf, dwarf, thief... Read more
Table for Cheat Engine [1.5.988.47421]
1671620315_naheulbeuk.zipDownload 64.47 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Functions and commands:
- skill execution start - edit skills;
- chance to fail dice roll for skill Execution - edit the chance of failure of a dice roll;
- chance to miss dice roll (precision breakdown INCOMPLETE) - edit the chance to miss a dice roll;
- chance to Parry (Crit/Full/Half) or chance to Dodge — edit the chance to parry (Crit/Full/Half) or chance to dodge;
- damage chain breakdown (complete for weapon based skills, incomplete otherwise) - edit damage;
- setHealth calls ( apply damage and heals , DOTs , HOTs .. ) — edit health;
- flag to turn the TAB key (show interactables) into a toggle from hold/Release - show interactive elements;
- some cheats (ex: always hit, 1 shot kill) - instant kill and always hit.
How to run:
- Open Cheat Engine;
- Click Load and select the table;
- Click Select a process to open and select the desired process;
- Select the desired option and put a cross.
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Таблица для Cheat Engine [1.5.988.47421]
Функции и команды:
- skill execution start — редактировать навыки;
- chance to fail dice roll for skill Execution — редактировать шанс провала броска костей;
- chance to miss dice roll (precision breakdown INCOMPLETE) — редактировать шанс пропустить бросок кубика;
- chance to Parry (Crit/Full/Half) or chance to Dodge — редактировать шанс парировать (Крит/Полный/наполовину) или шанс увернуться;
- damage chain breakdown (complete for weapon based skills, incomplete otherwise) — редактировать урон;
- setHealth calls ( apply damage and heals , DOTs , HOTs .. ) — редактировать здоровье;
- flag to turn the TAB key (show interactables) into a toggle from hold/Release — показывать интерактивные элементы;
- some cheats (ex: always hit, 1 shot kill) — мгновенное убийство и всегда попадать.
Как запустить:
- Открыть Cheat Engine;
- Нажать Load и выбрать таблицу;
- Нажать Select a process to open и выбрать нужный процесс;
- Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крестик.
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