The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Combat system based on Dark Souls

(SGC) SkySA - Combat Behavior Compulsion. This mod adds many new animations that are used during combat. Features: - Blocking enemy attacks while moving - Ability to dodge the blow of - Three new combo attacks - New animations for each weapon type ...
Walking and running animations for men

Leviathan Animations - Male Idle Walk And Run LE. This mod adds new animations for the male character when he is at rest, walking or running. The purpose of these animations is to make the character less nervous, more intimidating, and ready to fight ...
Random female animations

Sexy Random Idles (simple and dynamic). This is a simple random animation system for female characters that will work out of the box: you will get 20 sexy downtimes that will be used randomly. The only requirement is Dynamic Animation Replacer. FNIS ...
Animated fear

DAR - Animated Fear. This mod adds new animations for humanoid NPCs when they are affected by the following spells/conditions: Fear Magic Spells, Fear Weapon Spells, Werewolf Howl of Terror, Fear Cry, Northern War Cry.
Female sitting animation

Female Sitting Animation Replacer. This is a small modification that replaces the standard sitting animation for female characters with a more beautiful and realistic one. Since this is a simple placeholder, FNIS is not required. To install, unpack t ...
Three Strike Animation

3-Hit Animation For One-Handed or Two-Handed. This small mod adds a new 3-hit animation for a normal one-handed power attack or a two-handed sprint power attack.
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New animations with Wabbajack staff

Artifact Animation Replacer - Wabbajack. This mod adds several new animations when using the Daedric artifact - the Wabbajack staff. Animations are played when idle and when the staff is in the left or right hand. If you constantly hold the staff in ...
New female animations

JUST NEW FEMALE ANIMATIONS. This mod changes most of the movement animations: running, walking, idle poses, main weapons: bow, sword, magic and some combat animations. All new animations are sexually balanced. Edited 265 animations.
Roll on landing

Rolling after landing (Controllable). This mod allows you to perform a forward roll animation after landing from a height to reduce fall damage. This action is activated by a custom hotkey that can be configured. Installation: 1. Install SKSE and ...
crawl on all fours

Crawl on fours Hotkey. This mod will allow you to crawl on all fours instead of the crouch animation. To crawl, you will need to assign a hotkey in the MCM menu. Installation: - Install mod - Run FNIS Generate for users - Launch Skyrim with SKSE - ...
360 degree animations

360 Movement Behavior. The mod changes the method of character movement - now, when you press “Forward”, the character goes in the direction in which he himself is looking, and not where the camera is pointing. The same applies to all other keys: th ...
Improved swimming animation

Stronger Swimming Animation. This mod changes the standard swimming animation to a more realistic one! Plug and play installation. Does not require FNIS update.