The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Summon Flying Sword

Sword call. This mod adds a new spell that will allow you to summon a flying sword that can attack enemies from a distance. You can buy a volume of spells from Farengar.
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Sleep Spell

Sleep Spell. A spell to put an enemy to sleep. If you are a vampire, this mod will be very useful. The Spell Tome can be found in Skyrim, or if you're like me, you can use its help sleep command to get the tome ID and then add it to your inventory us ...
Summon Dragon Priest

Conjure Dragon Priest Spell Tome. Adds the summon dragon priest spell. It can be obtained from Finis Gestor, professor of witchcraft at the College of Winterhold, after completing the ritual spell of witchcraft, which you can receive from him after r ...
Guardian of the storm

Stormwarden. Master the powers of wind and storm. Throw lightning, summon elementals and walk among the clouds. This mod expands the school of Change magic, allowing you to explore storm-related spells that support a new fighting style - the storm gu ...
Pocket workstation

Power Workstation. This mod adds a new volume of spells to the game, after studying which you can conjure a station for enchanting weapons, alchemy, improving armor, and so on, anywhere and at any time.
Beam Spell

Beam Spells Vanilla Dragonborn Dawguard. This mod will add new variants of standard spells, namely the ability to emit a beam. Features: - Heat ray - Burning beam (Fire) - Ice ray (Frost) - Plasma beam - Ion Beam (Shock) - Light beam - Healin ...

Singularity LE. With this mod you will be able to control matter and unleash destructive power on your opponents. The spell compresses space into a volatile matter that slows, vibrates, and deals massive fire damage (+ minor shock damage and overpowe ...
Vortex cyclone

Z Cyclone -Spell type-. This mod adds the "Z Cyclone" spell, which is a stronger version of the Cyclone shout. When used, enemies will fly high into the sky. Features: - Z Cyclone 1(Vortex cyclone, deals 200 damage every second for 5 seconds and ...
Spell scarlet storm

Crimson Storm - Vampiric Shock Spells. This mod adds new spells designed for vampire characters that combine new visual effects. Features: Crimson Current - Newbie A concentrated spell that deals 8 health damage per second. Crimson Chain - Adept ...
NPC stripping spell

New Spell - Strip NPCs. This mod adds a new spell called Strip. By using it on any NPC, all of his clothes will disappear, leaving only the weapon that was equipped.
Real telekinesis

Real Telekinesis. This mod edits the telekinesis spell so that it deals damage based on the weight of the thrown object. This mod also makes other balance changes to make the spell easier to use.
Vampire Combat Bite

Vampire Combat Bite. This mod will allow you to play the vampire bite animation during combat (humans only) and thus replenish your health. This mod works like a spell, so you can find it from merchants or steal it from the Sleeping Giant Tavern.
Increased movement speed

Z Acceleration -Lesser Power-. This mod adds a new spell that will allow you to move at incredible speeds. You can get this volume of spells through AddItemMenu by entering the name “Z Acceleration [Lesser Power]”. ...
The magic of collecting ingredients

Magical Alchemy Harvest-o-tron (Ru). This mod adds a spell that will allow you to instantly collect all the ingredients that are near you. The longer you cast the spell, the larger the collection radius! But watch your free space. The Spell Tome can ...
Magic wand of fast fireballs

Z Magic Wand -Rapid Fire Ball-. This mod adds a magic wand that fires fireballs at 2.5 shots per second and deals 200 fire damage every second for 5 seconds to enemies within 10 feet. ...