The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Akavir. Curse of the Immortals 2.1

Players will find themselves in the southern part of Akavir. The game area where the main action of the plot takes place is much larger in size than Solstheim from the Dragonborn add-on. In addition to it, there are separate, smaller worlds (the cen ...
Dark water waterfall

Dark Water Falls. The cottage is located between Sarenti Farm and Nilheim, just north of the treasure hunters. Examine the cottage and you will find a quest. It's a little adventure to save from bandits - but you do have to look for the lair - no che ...
Sinister Seven

The Sinister Seven. The Sinister Seven is a quest storyline. Seven assassins are sent to kill the player across several levels. It aims to provide an open-ended plot along with the feeling of a hunt. With this mod they will actively search for you. N ...

Mod bookworms v1.0. This mod adds 3 characters to the game who can read 1 specific book each that you bring them, the characters can be found in the city of Solitude in your home called: “High Spire” the mod is a demonstration. It is not necessary to ...
New quest

Away - Come Away. A new quest that will take you through Skyrim to obtain light female armor, as well as a great sword and longbow - each with its own unique effect. In addition, all items can be created at the forge after completing the specified qu ...
Great Cities - Kartwasten

The Great Town of Karthwasten. Karthvasten is a small mining town located in the Reach. This is the only major settlement remaining in the Reach that is still owned by Richman. The Reach is torn by conflicts between its Nord rulers and the outcast na ...
Shadow of Meresis

The Shadow of Meresis. This mod adds an extensive quest leading to various locations throughout Skyrim. In addition to new areas and dungeons, you'll encounter new NPCs with over 200 fully voiced lines of dialogue spoken by three actors. The game tim ...
Agent of Righteous Might

Agent of Righteous Might. This mod offers 16 long quests in which the player performs the work of an undercover agent. The player will be given missions to disguise, infiltrate, and destroy the Mystic Dawn from within their cult. Features: - An ep ...
Great Paladin

The Grand Paladin (Pt Br). Travel beyond Skyrim and discover the legacy of an ancient order of the dragonborn in this short 30-60 minute DLC.
Fall of Riverwood

Fall of Riverwood - FOR. Darkness has come to Riverwood, you must stop it and return the city to its inhabitants. You can launch the mod from a new save or simply load it.
Two quests in the style of the animated series "Rick and Morty"

The Sitting Stone and Real Fake Quest - Rick and Morty Tribute. This mod will add two new short quests. 1. The first quest will begin after you receive a letter from Shmoopy Doopy. As you complete it, you will discover Rick's toilet with a picturesqu ...