The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Don't forget your needs

Remember Your Needs. This mod will remind you every 8 hours to eat, drink and sleep. Also, this mod adds bottles of regular water, for those who don’t want to drink alcohol.
Lejona the barbarian

Leijona - Barbarian Follower. Leyona is a wandering warrior in need of a traveling companion. She is a two-handed barbarian who awaits you at the Gjukar Monument, a towering obelisk on the western plains of Whiterun Hill, near Rorikstead.
Glowing Atronachs

Luminous Atronachs LE. With this mod, Atronachs will begin to emit light according to their element.
Relaxation spot at Eastmarch Springs

HumungusFungusAmungUs. This mod adds a small camp for players in the Eastmarch Hot Springs. Features: - Beds for sleeping - Pan - Sharpening wheel - Bookshelf
Mushrooms in Eastmarch Warm Springs

FungusAmungUs. This mod adds a lot of mushrooms to the hot springs near Eastmarch. Installation using ESP manager.
Meridia's two improved spells

Meridia's Blessing. The first spell "Light of Meridia" - improved visual effects, improved characteristics. Refers to the school of restoration. The second spell, “Meridia’s Wrath,” instantly kills low-level undead and sets high-level ones on fire. ...
Teleport to Hrothgar and Iversted

Hrothgar Portkey (Legacy). This mod will add a magical gem that will allow you to teleport to and from Hrothgar and Iversted.
Own house in the village of Helsmirr

Helsmyrr Village Player Home and Adoptions. This mod will allow you to buy your own house in the unique village of Helsmirr. In the house you will find: - 2 balconies - Master bedroom - Children's room - A place to practice alchemy - Large kitchen ...
Helsmirr Village

Helsmyrr Village. Helsmirr is a village located in the Rift Fortress, which is under the jurisdiction of Layla Hand of the Law, Jarl of Riften. The city provides timber, fur and meat as its main source of trade and has direct trade lines with Riften ...
Big vampire dog

Big death hound-vampiric dog. This mod adds a new death hound that is large in size and can become your companion. Also, she will increase her level along with you. You can find the dog inside the Volkihar Cathedral.
Plague Doctor Clothes

Toxin Doctor Outfit- Mihail Armors and Clothes (mihail oldrim mod). This new set of clothing is perfect for those alchemists who specialize in poisons. A special feature of this suit is complete protection against poisons and diseases. The set is sui ...
Two new armor made of bones and chitin

Temple Watchman and Ter-Hus Bonemold Style Armors- Mihail Armors and Clothes (mihail oldrim mod). This mod contains two armors. 1. Temple Guard Armor - This is ceremonial armor worn by guards in Temples of Reclamation by all over Morrowind. These ...
Dwarven Spike Tops

Dwarven Spinners- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod). This mod will add simple but deadly dwarven vehicles. These spinning tops are equipped with a large number of motion sensors and sharp metal spikes.
Sharp sword from the movie "Alice in Wonderland"

The Vorpal Blade. This mod will add the Sharp Sword to the game, which is a legendary Daedric artifact and has unique abilities. To obtain it, you will need to complete a small quest that will appear as soon as you acquire the Wabbajack staff.
Ancient Draugr Swords

Ancient Draugr Swords. This mod will add two new rusty draugr swords to the game, which are based on museum exhibits. Swords can be found among the draugr themselves, in dungeons. To install, use 'Mod manager'.