Files for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim / Vehicles

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Mounts: Godzilla, Mechagodzilla and Rodan (Godzilla and Co - Mounts and Armies) [1.5]

Mounts: Godzilla, Mechagodzilla and Rodan (Godzilla and Co - Mounts and Armies) [1.5]
Author: gg77
Size: 8.79 MB
Uploaded by: JoeOwl
Date: July 23, 2018
Downloads: 677
Comments: 0
Download The modification adds Godzilla, Mecha Godzilla and the flying monster Rodan to the game. All of these creatures can be ridden. To summon Rodan, after installing the mod you need to buy the book Spell tome: Conjure Rodan in Whiterun or any other spel ...