The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a role-playing game with action elements set in an open world. It was developed and released by Bethesda for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC on... Read more
Save (Completed 100% + all DLC)

If you were looking for a save for Skyrim, in which you have completed absolutely everything that is possible to complete, then you have come to the right place! I played it on "pure" Skyrim Special Edition (without mods, etc.). Name: Nord. Race: No ...
Cheater save

Here is the save: Level 100, Khajiit. The very beginning of the game. Your inventory contains all Daedric armor and weapons. All spells and shouts have been learned. Lots of gold and master keys. All locations found. Huge damage ...
Improved textures

The modder released a modification with a package of improved textures, which in total weigh 19.4 GB. According to the modder, after installing the mod the game will require 0.6-1.6 GB more video memory, and therefore on weak computers new textures ...
More trees in cities

If you think that there are too few trees in the cities of Skyrim, then I advise you to install this mod. It adds more vegetation to all major cities, making walking the streets much more pleasant. Installation: copy esp files from the Core folder, ...
Tattoos for slaves

A modification for the role-playing game Skyrim Special Edition adds the ability to create and make slave tattoos. The mod allows you to apply tattoos of any type to intimate areas of the body, and also allows you to apply tattoos to your slaves or o ...
Save (Forest Elf Assassin, level 34, game difficulty - Adept)

I present to your attention an assassin named Creed. The main things are located in the Windstad estate. Completed the dark brotherhood, almost finished completing the thieves guild (since I still use the eternal master key). No mods installed.
Bankai Zangetsu

The mod adds the Zangetsu sword and abilities from the anime Bleach to the game. Abilities 1) Instant step (Shunpo) 2)Emptyfication 3)Getsuga Tenshou The mod also has Shikai and Bankai, to activate them you need to equip a Zanpakuto then you use ...
Thieves Guild for the Good Guys

Thieves Guild For Good Guys — Taking Care of Business Redux The mod adds a quest chain for joining the Thieves Guild without intimidating anyone or putting anyone in prison. Feel like Robin Hood, rob the rich and give to the poor. - Join the Thieves ...
Snowy grass

Snowy grass textures for Skyrim - 1k, 2k and 4k. There is an option with yellowed vegetation (see screenshot). Installation: Move the "textures" folder to "Data".
Realistic clouds 2.0

This mod adds pseudo-volumetric clouds, i.e. realistic 3D clouds. These clouds will change in volume and height between the sky and the ground depending on the current weather. Just like regular clouds, there are also rain clouds, which you can see f ...
Save (Redguard paladin, level 38, game difficulty - Adept)

Hello dear fans of such a well-known and legendary game as The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. I present to your attention a Redguard palladin named Skif.
Saving (Khajiit, level 27, beginning of the storyline)
Race - Khajiit Name - Dima Level - 27 Pumped up perks by 100 Level - Enchanting and Smithing The armor is dragon, this character is both a warrior and a magician The plot is completed until the moment when you need to go to the greybeards
Save (Orc, level 45, completed the entire story)

A little saving. Race - Orc Name Urok-Hay level — 45 Completed the entire storyline and DLC - dragonborn quests also completed: Thieves Guild, Companions' Guild, Dark Brotherhood, College of Winterhold. I started going through the quest "War" f ...
Blacksmith Chests SE / Blacksmith Chests SE

This mod adds purchasable chests near the forges, where you can store any of your belongings. Very convenient if you don’t yet have your own home. Chests added to: 1. Fort Dawnguard 2. Solstheim 3. Whiterun 4. Solitude 5. Riften 6. Windhelm 7. Markar ...
Skyrim 2020 3.5 - High quality textures

Skyrim 2020 mod version 3.5 replaces many textures in the game. Most of the materials from all major cities were replaced - Goat, Highlandcow, Farmhouse, Markarth and Riften, Solitude, Tents, Whiterun, Windhelm, Winterhold and others. In the video b ...