The Talos Principle 2
The main action takes place in a world where people have long since died out, and instead of them the planet is inhabited by robots. The main character goes on a... Read more
Cheat activation + console activation [DEMO]
aktivacija-chitov-aktivacija-konsoli_1696843997_234721.zipDownload 81.39 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Functions and commands:
- press [J] for turbo — turbo;
- press [L] for fly - fly;
- press [Y] or [Z] for ghost/god - invisibility and immortality;
- press [G] for god — immortality;
- press [P] for pause - pause;
- press [Numpad +] for time increase - increase the time;
- press [Numpad -] for time decrease - reduce time;
- press [F1] to toggle this overlay — hide the window;
- Press [F2] open to console [esc] to close - open the console F2, close the console Esc.
- Place the file from the archive along the path: Talos2/Binaries/Win64;
- Launch the game and press the keys indicated in the window.
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Активация читов + активация консоли [DEMO]
Функции и команды:
- press [J] for turbo — турбо;
- press [L] for fly — летать;
- press [Y] or [Z] for ghost/god — невидимость и бессмертие;
- press [G] for god — бессмертие;
- press [P] for pause — пауза;
- press [Numpad +] for time increase — увеличить время;
- press [Numpad -] for time decrease — уменьшить время;
- press [F1] to toggle this overlay — скрыть окно;
- Press [F2] open to console [esc] to close — открыть консоль F2, закрыть консоль Esc.
- Поместить файл из архива по пути: Talos2/Binaries/Win64;
- Запустить игру и нажимать клавиши указанные в окне.
Useful links: