The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3... Read more
Sabrina Glevissig - Triss or Lynx Witch. Are you bored with dear Triss Marigold? Do you miss the charming Sabrina Glevissig? This mod was created for you. You can replay the entire game with your new friend Sabrina.
Oil Application Keybinds. Apply blade oil to your swords by pressing a button on your keyboard instead of opening your inventory to do so. Be sure to set your key bindings according to the installation instructions. If there are keybinding conflicts, ...
FIRST PERSON CAMERA REWORKED. A new mod that allows you to play The Witcher 3 from a first-person view. Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the mod archive to the root of the game folder. 2. Add to the file C:/Users/your username/Documents/The Wit ...
Geralt Remastered. Complete remaster of Geralt's skin tone, facial scars, eyebrows and eyes. The eyebrows have been completely redrawn by hand (every hair), and also includes a custom bump map to accommodate new eyebrows and scars. Supports all DLC e ...
Automatic dialog picker. This mod automatically selects the dialogue option that makes the most sense, but still allows you to make choices in important situations. This allows for uninterrupted conversations where user input is not required. It also ...
Skip Dialogs. Hold Shift/Triangle to skip dialogue very quickly. Installation: 1. Unpack the mods into the game directory 2. Add these lines to the top of /Documents/The Witcher 3/input.settings
Witcher 1 face mod for Witcher 3. This mod returns the witcher to the real Geralt of Rivia, who was in the first part of this series. Installation: Just extract this mod into your Witcher folder: Witcher/Mods
E3 Combat Cam Shake. A custom mod that makes your camera shake in combat. With this mod you can customize both the strength of the effect and what specific cases you want the shake to occur on: successful/blocked attacks, enemy/player attacks, and di ...