The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3... Read more
Novigrad - Velen 4K Terrain. This is a 4K terrain overhaul for Novigrad and Velen, it completely replaces all textures used in the terrain with high quality 4K textures.
Lost Military Bunker. A large underground house for the player with a small fast travel system. The house is empty so you can decorate it the way you want using the included workshop. Features: - Fast travel system on the monorail (all locations ...
Fuller Hair (non-Hairworks). This mod adds a few extra strands to the hairstyles - loosely tied behind the head and shaved with a ponytail to make the volume more realistic. You no longer need to look at the landscape through Geralt's bald spots.
Roach Hairworks Tail. This mod changes the standard tail of your horse to a more beautiful and high-quality one. In addition, the author added a small animation for it. And when it rains, the bags, mane and everything connected with the horse will ge ...
Geralt's Face LEO. This mod changes Geralt's default face, making him leaner, sharper and more repulsive. For better display, use the mod detail improvements .
Toussaint Extended Project. This mod adds several fully explorable and functional areas (villages, vineyards, etc.) outside of Toussaint's original borders, and also expands the latter so you can reach them.
Perpetual Brume. For those who love the original lighting of The Witcher 3, but would like to add a bit of a dark, cinematic feel to the game. This mod slightly changes the contrast and saturation of the colors to make them more harmonious and natura ...
Gwent Revolution. This is a major overhaul of many aspects of the gwent system. From new cards, abilities, arts, to quest rewards, AI decks and game bets. The mod is currently under development and will be updated. Features: - Complete rework of e ...
The Walking Dead Lucille. This mod adds a new weapon to the game - Lucille from The Walking Dead. It can be purchased in 3 different places. In the house of Hattori, the official merchant and the great blacksmith in Toussaint. Lucille's damage and le ...
Skyrim Wuuthrad. This mod adds a new weapon to the game - Vuuthrad from Skyrim. It can be purchased in 4 different places. In the house of Hattori, the blacksmith Kaer Trolde, the ofieri merchant and the great blacksmith in Toussaint. The weapon's da ...
Genji of Rivia - Genji Armor and Swords for Geralt. Bring your Genji obsession into the world of The Witcher 3 with new armor and swords ported from Overwatch and carefully polished for maximum immersion. This armor pack adds new 4k textured armor pi ...
Erik's Photorealistic Natural Immersive Reshade (Erik's PNI). Photorealistic immersive color change template. The preset is based on 4 different films. Green nature, as in the photographs, no yellow-orange flora - natural skin color, not too saturate ...
Free Alchemy Item Refill. With this mod, every time you meditate, all your alchemical items will be replenished. This will make the game a little easier and more attractive.