The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the concluding part of the trilogy of adventures of Geralt of Rivia. In 2022, all its owners received a free next-gen update to The... Read more
Save / SaveGame (For completing the storyline, additional tasks and DLC. Start of the game, nothing is touched, the entire map is open)

Save for completing the storyline, additional tasks and DLC. Nothing has been touched, the map of Velen, Novigrad and the White Garden is open. Saved immediately after the audience with the Emperor. Made solely to save time. The storyline, addition ...
Save / SaveGame (Completed the entire story campaign and both DLCs)

More details about saving: The entire story campaign and both DLCs have been completed, all witcher orders and almost all side quests have been completed (except for witcher equipment), all questions on the map have been opened, except for Toussaint ...
Save / SaveGame (Completed the main storyline, DLC not touched)

Basic: Difficulty: To death The bulk of the “questions” and other tasks are untouched Ciri the Witcher Romance with Triss The Baron took his wife away Radovid is dead Cerys Queen of Skellige Dijkstra is killed, Roche is alive Bastard Junior ...
Save / SaveGame (Task "Freak" - take Uma from the sergeant / Hearts of Stone - meeting with Olgerd in the Lilvani sanctuary)

Place the file in C:\Users\"Username"\Documents\The Witcher 3\gamesaves. The save is unique in that you can ask Gunther O'Dimm about Ciri Geralt has a tattoo. Cerys is the queen of Skellige. Romance with Yennefer. Keira Metz is alive. A chain of qu ...
Save / SaveGame (Story completed, DLC and side quests intact) [1.31 GOTY]
![Save / SaveGame (Story completed, DLC and side quests intact) [1.31 GOTY]](
Warning! The plot took place with the console, it was used in Velen and Novigrad, after arriving in Skellige its use ceased. Everything works great, but if you need a “clean” walkthrough, I don’t force you to download it. Plot and solutions The w ...
Save / SaveGame (Save Set, New Game +, level 56-100)

Set of saves for the New Game + *Money 158,000 - 521,000 CZK. *A bunch of rune stones, but I made the master stones only after Novigrad. *All decoctions and potions have been collected and made (except for Doppler decoction) *There is an elixir of cl ...
Save / SaveGame (Plot completed, side quests and DLC intact) [1.31: GOTY]
![Save / SaveGame (Plot completed, side quests and DLC intact) [1.31: GOTY]](
Read completely to the end so that there are no questions. In my opinion the most perfect ending. Ciri - The Witcher. Geralt is with Yennefer. The winner of the war is Nilfgaard. Baron - his wife is undergoing treatment, the spirit of the forest was ...
Save / SaveGame (Main plot + DLC "Hearts of Stone" and "Blood and Wine". "Evoic Erebus" Manticore + Euphori)

Level: 52. Completed everything: All side plots, orders, treasures, the main plot (Romance with Yennefer, Ciri the Witcher, Radovid is dead, Roche and Bianca are alive, the Baron left to treat his wife) and two additions (Olgerd is saved, Dettl ...
Saving / SaveGame (Got to the most interesting part)

Passed: Main storyline DLC "Hearts of Stone" Completed the final mission of the Blood and Wine expansion Grandmaster set of the griffin school. All recipes for elixirs, decoctions, oils. Good ending: Geralt with Yennefer. The Baron i ...
Saving / SaveGame (For a comfortable start to the game + Arondite for Filling)

First save at the very beginning of the game, level 37 The second save is there, but the level is already 98 (your choice, of course, but it’s more interesting with 37...) Third save right before the start of Blood and Wine/
Save / SaveGame (3 Saves to choose from, 2 completed to the good ending)

About Saves 1. Choice of relationship between Triss and Yennefer 2. - 100% completed - Ciri the Witcher - Relationship with Triss - Radovid rules - DLC Blood&Wine and Hearts of Stone (Failed) 3. - 100% completed - Ciri the Witcher - Relationship wi ...
Save / SaveGame (The storyline was completed perfectly, there are orders and several missions)

The plot is 100% completed The bestiary has all been studied Schools (Wolf, Cat, Bear, Griffin) failed There are saves at certain points in the game where you can replay it as you want Swords somewhere under 1000 damage
Save / SaveGame (To Death, NG+, level 55)

-55lvl -all power stones, except for a couple in Toussaint -cheats were not used -there are uncompleted additional tasks -build for a fencer using decoctions -Difficulty: "To death" -All Witcher sets (except for set swords) have been collected -Th ...
Save / SaveGame ("NG", for completing the expansions "Hearts of Stone" and "Blood and Wine")

The game was completed on the maximum difficulty level, Geralt level 44, fencing and Alchemy branches All types of Witcher armor have been collected, all Witcher orders have been completed, trophies and other junk in the chest The main game has been ...
Save / SaveGame (For new game+, level 53, Completed all DLC)

-53lvl 105k -all power stones -All ? -there are a lot of things in the chest The files from the archive should be placed in the path C:\Users\(Username)\Documents\The Witcher 3\gamesaves\