Table for Cheat Engine (+12) [v1.0] [GreenHouse]

  • Tropico 6 — Table for Cheat Engine (+12) [v1.0] [GreenHouse]
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Date: April 3, 2019, 04:06 PM
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Table description:

  • Infinite Money/ Infinite money (You'll always have 90B.)
  • Infinite Mandate Time / Infinite Mandate (You'll always have 10 years of mandate time and it won't go lower.)
  • Infinite Knowledge / Infinite knowledge points (You'll always have 90B Knowledge Points.)
  • Infinite Raid Points / Infinite Raid Points (You'll always have 90M Raid Points.)
  • Infinite Swiss Bank Money / Infinite money in the bank (You'll always have 90B in the bank.)
  • 100% Supporters / 100% support (You'll have 100% supporters.)
  • Infinite Broker Actions / Infinite broker actions (You'll have infinite uses of the broker actions (Convincing Talk, Stage a Distraction))
  • Edit Current Year/Month / Edit the current date (Change the current date.)
  • Edit Population / Edit population (Change the population to any number you want.)
  • Insta-Finish Edicts / Instant completion of decrees (Edicts will complete instantly.)
  • Immortal Army / Immortal Army (Your army will be immortal.)
  • Super PowerPlants / Super Power Plants (Power Plants will give your +900000 electricity. With just 1 power plant, you'll have enough for your entire island.)

Startup process:

1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table

2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process.

3. Select the desired option and check the box.

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Таблица для Cheat Engine (+12) [v1.0] [GreenHouse]

Описание таблицы:

  • Infinite Money/ Бесконечные деньги (You'll always have 90B.)
  • Infinite Mandate Time / Бесконечный мандат (You'll always have 10 years of mandate time and it won't go lower.)
  • Infinite Knowledge / Бесконечные очки знаний (You'll always have 90B Knowledge Points.)
  • Infinite Raid Points / Бесконечные очки рейда (You'll always have 90M Raid Points.)
  • Infinite Swiss Bank Money / Бесконечные деньги в банке (You'll always have 90B in the bank.)
  • 100% Supporters / 100% поддержка (You'll have 100% supporters.)
  • Infinite Broker Actions / Бесконечные действия брокера (You'll have infinite uses of the broker actions (Convincing Talk, Stage a Distraction))
  • Edit Current Year/Month / Редактировать текущую дату (Change the current date.)
  • Edit Population / Редактировать популяцию (Change the population to any number you want.)
  • Insta-Finish Edicts / Мгновенное завершение указов (Edicts will complete instantly.)
  • Immortal Army / Бессмертная армия (Your army will be immortal.)
  • Super PowerPlants / Супер энергостанции (Power Plants will give your +900000 electricity. With just 1 power plant, you'll have enough for your entire island.)

Процесс запуска:

1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу

2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.

3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

Useful links:

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