Character Editor [1.0.1]
![Character Editor [1.0.1]](
Valheim Character Editor is a character editor for the game Valheim. It is written in C# using the .NET Framework version 4.7.2. The software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Use this software at your own risk. Although there i ...
Save Editor [1.1]
![Save Editor [1.1]](
Unofficial save editor for the game "Valheim". Allows you to: change the name, appearance, gender, guard and restoration powers, as well as skills and inventory. It is highly recommended that you back up your saves before editing them using this t ...
Autosave period changes

AutoSave TIMEr. Tiny mod to change the default 20 minute timer between each save to whatever you want.
Setting up fermenters

Fermenter Utilities. Multiple customization options for fermenters, including percentage progress, no coating required, and custom fermentation times. Installation at this path/Valheim/BepInEx/plugins.
Configuration editor

Valheim Config Editor. This editor loads the mod's Valheim.cfg ini files into the user interface, allowing the file to be edited in an organized tree structure with support for description text. The editor has a search bar with dynamic content and th ...
Setting up a bee hive

Beehive Utilities. Several hive customization options. Multiple hive customization options, including the amount of honey the hive can hold, the time it takes to produce honey, disabling close range build restrictions, and more! The configuration fil ...
Configuration Manager - configuration manager

Configuration Manager. This mod allows you to edit the settings of BepInEx mods that use the BepInEx configuration system from within the game itself via an easy to use GUI. The GUI is opened and closed by pressing a hotkey (default F1). There is als ...
Replacing music

Music Replacement. This mod will allow you to replace game music with wav files. Once you have the mod dll in your BepInEx plugins folder, the next time you start the game a new folder should be created, a plugins folder called MusicReplacement, in t ...
Custom Audio - custom audio

Custom Audio. Allows you to replace music, ambient sounds and sound effects with your own .wav or .ogg files.
Creature level and loot control

Creature Level and Loot Control. Allows you to control the level of creatures and loot. Features: - Highly customizable, everything can be turned off and customized to your liking - Creatures can spawn with 5 stars (maximum for custom difficulty) ...
Console Tweaks - console settings

Console Tweaks. Implements simple autocomplete for console commands and item names, and also enables cheats by default. Features: - It enables auto-completion for commands. Auto-completion of commands also works with SkToolbox commands (can be dis ...
Character Editor - character editor

Loki - Character Editor. It allows you to customize existing characters, including: appearance, skills, inventory and much more. Has a built-in backup and recovery system. Features: - Detects game characters for easy selection - Change character n ...
Better Continents - Better continents

Better Continents. This mod provides tools to both improve the game's standard heightmap generation and redefine aspects of it with hand-crafted height and biome maps taken from images. Functions: - Change the global scale - change the size of the ...
Valheim Unstripped DLLs - libraries for modding

Valheim Unstripped DLLs. Unlimited DLLs required for Valheim modding to work.
Drop That - setting up loot tables

Drop That. A tool for setting up mob loot tables. Allows you to configure, delete or add any mob to the drop. Functions: - Override any existing potential mob drop by specifying the index (0 based) of the item you want to change. - Add as many ad ...