Translation of the “Build your own ship” mod

ValheimRaft RUS. This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - Building your own ship.
translation mod - “Wheel of Emotions”

Emote Wheel RUS. This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - wheel of emotions .
Translation of the mod “Complete change of magic”

Magic Overhaul RUS. This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - “Complete change in magic” . Installation to this path: SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Valheim/BepInEx/config/MagicOverhaulLocalization/.
Translation of the mod “Creature level and loot control”

CLLC RUS. This mod completely translates the modification “Creature level and loot control” into Russian.
Localization of the Craft Filter mod

Crafting Filter RUS. Translation of categories in the workbench/forge. Place the file in the path SteamLibrarysteamappscommonValheimBepInExpluginsCraftingFilter. To work you will need mod Craft filter .