Increase FPS

Ritori FPS boost - pack. Pack of two mods that can increase your fps (variation pack 3 + 1). - Lightweight - Doesn't edit any graphics settings, just some particle, light and bloom/blur settings. - Lightweight (no grass settings). - Medium is the b ...
Performance optimization

Valheim Performance Optimizations. Fully compatible with H&H rendering, logic and load time optimizations for both client and server versions of Valheim. You can use the mod on either the server or the client or both, it should work independently.
Performance Mode

Performance Mode (Optimized for potato PCs like my own). This mod is simply a graphics settings preset for the Custom Graphics Settings mod. I fiddled with the settings for a long time until I figured out what worked best. These settings allowed me t ...
Increase FPS

ValheimFPSPlus. This mod allows the player to change quality settings that Valheim does not give you access to. The configuration uses the built-in BepInEx configuration system. This allows you to make adjustments even while the game is running.
Increase FPS

ValheimFPSBoost2. It only disables shadows, which seem to be a heavier load on the GPU. The rest of the settings remain active to improve image quality, you can still change the game settings to get the best performance.
Improved Mills

Wind Mill Fix. This modification allows you to turn off the rotation of the windmill propellers when it is not working. This eliminates the need for calculations to rotate the windmill blades. As a result, gaming performance is significantly improved ...
The optimizer remembers

Valheim Network Optimizer (VNO). A mod that works to optimize data transfer between clients and servers. Increases the data transfer limit (yes, this works after patch 0.148.6). Fixes a buffer limit error that some server owners may see when players ...
Reducing lags during mining

BetterTerrain. This mod overhauled the terrain modification system to eliminate performance issues caused by mining and ground leveling. WARNING!!! DO NOT load worlds you are interested in with the mod installed! You will ruin your save!
Improved co-op play

Explore Together. A set of map, ping and pin settings aimed at improving co-op play. Pings - Create a ping where you are looking when you press a custom key (default T) - Adds ping coordinates to the message displayed in chat in the form (x , y) Min ...
Graphics fine tuning

Graphics Config Plus. A simple mod that allows you to make deeper changes to your graphics settings to improve performance or go beyond the standard options. Note: The default configuration is the default for the game. To see the changes, you need to ...