Victor Vran
Victor Vran is an isometric RPG with an action/fantasy twist from Haemimont Games. The game is published by Haemimont Games and EuroVideo Medien. Victor Vran is... Read more
Save / SaveGame (Start of game, level 50, all uniques)

This archive contains a save for Victor Vran v. 2.00 (did not work on other versions) Character level 50, inventory filled with more than 1000 unique items, start of the game - just entered the fortress Instructions for using saving: We copy and r ...
Save / SaveGame (Start, level 2, all kinds of loot in the chest near the nychka)

The archive contains the save Victor Vran 2.0/ Start of the game, character level 2, look for junk to your liking in the chest near the little girl! Save setting: Unpack the archive into C:\Users\User (this is the name of your computer)\AppData (t ...
VIctor Vran: Savegames (Campaign 100%, medium and hard difficulties)

A very powerful save for this game includes: Character 1, level 50(43) Average difficulty 100% completion of quests 205/205 normal trials 201/205 Elite Challenges 116/116 secrets All equipment is legendary, upgraded to perfection ...