Darkest Dungeon 2 will receive mod support this summer

Red Hook Studios has announced mod support for Darkest Dungeon 2. The first update should take place before the end of June.
According to the creators, due to the release of the sequel on the new engine, it was more difficult to implement support for mods. So they decided to release features in stages.
We believe getting access to some modding capabilities sooner is better than waiting for a fully finished modding experience that would take significantly longer to deliver.
The studio also hopes that this will make it easier to receive feedback from players and correct bugs. In addition, the creators of Darkest Dungeon intend to «balance their efforts» by working on other key releases like the Kingdoms mode.
The first June update will allow you to edit .csv files and create new in-game items from scratch. These mods can be uploaded to the Steam Workshop.
Previously, we showed what Helldivers 2 looks like with mods for armor and vehicles from Star Wars.
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