The player upgraded the graphics in Cyberpunk 2077 and showed Night City and its surroundings at night

An enthusiast from the YouTube channel NextGen Dreams has released another video on Cyberpunk 2077, updating his collection of mods to photorealistic graphics. In the footage you can see the surroundings of Night City, a trip through the city at night and a park.

This time, the YouTuber updated the DreamPunk mod to version 1.1, improving the display of weather conditions in the game. The demo was run on an RTX 4090 card using DLSS 3.7.

As viewers of the video noted, this build can only be played on a powerful PC:

«The fire is so realistic... From my computer,» — camaraman645.

«Very, very cool job, сhoom!» — MrCenttaurus.

«Oh my God, it looks real,» — gameland8162.

Recently, the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 announced the complete completion of work on the game.

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