Mass Effect Fan Builds Enormous Mass Relay in No Man's Sky

A No Man's Sky player and a big fan of the Mass Effect series has built a huge mass relay in the game above one of the planets. The impressive structure took him almost three thousand parts.
A Redditor with the nickname Colonel_Klank decided to do without mods and turned to exploits that allowed him to build a structure outside the planet's atmosphere. He achieved this in the following way: the player built a high wall, installed a landing pad on it, started autosaving and rebooted, checking whether the structures remained in place. You can learn more about this method from the guide.
The result was a huge structure made of 2,900 parts:
For comparison, this is what the mass relay looked like in the original game series:
Other players on Reddit also appreciated the work of the Mass Effect fan:
Now, I hope, it is possible to calibrate.
So cool! It would be awesome to see space bases in the game.
Holy shit, hats off to the builders in this community. You guys are creating some seriously awesome stuff!
Did you do this by hand? This looks perfect! Absolute symmetry!
I don't need to replay Mass Effect, I don't need to replay Mass Effect... This is an absolutely amazing build!
Another creative player previously built a full-on cyberpunk city in No Man's Sky, complete with bars, an apartment, and a subway.