Gaming News The creators of the successful Fallout: Vault 13 announced the closure of the project

The creators of the successful Fallout: Vault 13 announced the closure of the project

Diana Golenko
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Another promising fan project has been closed: the creators of the unofficial Fallout remake on the engine of the fourth part announced the suspension of development. As the team of the Fallout: Vault 13 mod admitted, they did not have enough strength and resources.

The enthusiasts published a post on social networks and on their Discord server, in which they reported the following:

After much careful thought and deliberation, we have decided to officially suspend development on Fallout: Vault 13. This was not an easy decision, but we believe it is the right step at this stage of our journey. I know this may come as unexpected news, and we sincerely apologize for any disappointment it may cause... Fallout: Vault 13 was suspended due to a combination of factors, including burnout, difficulty in recruiting and retaining team members with niche skills, and personal life changes among core team members.
— Fallout: Vault 13 Team

Nevertheless, the modders intend to finalize everything that is ready today. A playable build of the Fallout remake will be uploaded to Nexus Mods — the authors are not against other fans taking on the project's completion.

Recall that in early August, a demo version of Fallout: Vault 13 was released. A small excerpt from the game included a third of the Commonwealth's territory and the first quests from the original. Players highly appreciated the work done and praised the team for accurately reproducing the classics.

Another unofficial remake of the post-apocalyptic RPG is currently in development. The Project Arroyo team is working on an updated version of Fallout 2 on the engine of the fourth part.

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