Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PC Patch 3 Released: Steam Reviews Now «Mostly Positive»

Nixxes Software has released Patch 3 for the PC version of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 with another list of improvements. While the developers are hastily patching up the lame optimization, the game's rating on Steam has grown to "mostly positive" reviews.

The new update fixed "dozens of small visual bugs" and added support for the latest version of NVIDIA Streamline SDK. Here is the full list of improvements:

  • NVIDIA Streamline SDK has been updated to version 2.7.2;
  • fixed visual bugs in cinematics on ultra-wide monitors;
  • fixed visual errors related to reflections and shadows with ray tracing;
  • improved user interface and texture display;
  • in the suit menu, the list now always scrolls to the selected skin;
  • fixed jumping during QTE;
  • made various improvements for optimization and stable operation.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 currently has 70% positive reviews on Steam. Recall that the PC port received "mixed" reviews at release due to poor optimization.

Another recent patch temporarily fixed the problem associated with AMD graphics cards. Mods for a playable Venom and a naked Mary Jane have also appeared.

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