How to Get All Weapons in Resident Evil 4 Remake

In Resident Evil 4 Remake, there are 29 types of weapons. Acquiring the entire arsenal unlocks the Weapon Fanatic achievement. Some equipment can be found as you progress through the story, most are purchased from the merchant, and some are bonus weapons acquired in the Bonus Shop under certain conditions. In this guide, we'll show you how to find and buy all guns and upgrades in the game.
What's the Best Weapon in Resident Evil 4
Let's highlight the strongest weapon that stands out among the rest. It's preferable to upgrade these so that your firepower can match that of a small combat squad.
- Best Knife — the perfect knife;
- Best Pistol — Red9;
- Best Rifle — Scat;
- Best Shotgun — Combatant;
- Best Machine Gun — LE 5;
- Best Magnum Revolver — Killer-7.
Combat Knife
The starting knife you receive in the first chapter. This melee weapon can be used both for inflicting significant close-range damage and for parrying. The knife has a durability scale, so it can't be used actively.
Pistol SG-09 R
The basic pistol you'll have from the start of the game. It has little killing power, so to save ammo, shoot at enemies' limbs and try not to prolong fights.
How to Find the W-870 Shotgun
- Location: Chapter 1.
It can be found in the village square after entering the far house on the left. At the same moment, an enemy with a chainsaw will appear. Climb the only staircase in the building and inspect the wall to the right of the dresser. The shotgun is hanging there.
Where to Get the Kitchen Knife
- Location: Chapters 1-6.
The first such weapon you'll encounter is on the farm, northeast of the area. It can be accessed through the windmill. A plot-related gear is nearby, so it's hard to miss. The knife is slightly faster than the combat knife but breaks very quickly, and its base damage is lower.
Note: Throughout the story, you will come across many such knives — any of them will suffice to achieve the achievement.
How to Find the Red9 Pistol
- Location: Chapter 4.
At the start of the chapter, when Leon crosses the lake by boat, get back into the watercraft and head to the center of the lake. The map marks a semi-submerged ship here, where you can dock and explore the remains. First, you'll find a large red chest with treasure, but if you go a bit further, you'll discover another blue case with gold trim. The object of your search lies within.
Note: If you don't find this weapon now, it will be impossible to obtain it later in the game by any other means.
Pocket Knife
- Location: Chapters 7-11.
You will find this knife at the very beginning of the chapter. To do this, deal with the first enemy in the chapel and pick up the item.
CQBR Assault Rifle
- Location: Chapter 10.
To obtain this weapon, you will have to find a cubic device and solve a small puzzle in the library. Go to the place where Ashley picked up the key bundle. Opposite the table where the keys were, there is a painting with a small indentation. Use the combination shown in the screenshot below to open the secret compartment and take the weapon.
Note: If you don't have enough space in your inventory, we recommend sending the rifle to storage. Keep in mind that in New Game+, if you have already found this gun before, a gold bar (B) will be located here instead of the automatic weapon.
How to Find the LE 5 Submachine Gun
- Location: Chapter 13.
When the story requires you to find the level 1 key card, you need to switch the lever to power on and solve the first puzzle.
After that, enter the large room in the Sectional and take the key card. At the same moment, the first Regenerator will appear. Use the lever again to power the wing with the Freezer. Inside, there will be a locked door, to open which you will have to solve the second similar puzzle.
By opening it, you will be able to pick up the LE5 submachine gun.
Note: You can easily miss this weapon, as it appears on the map as a treasure, and the puzzle is optional.
Scout Knife
- Location: Chapter 14.
Another melee weapon you'll receive during the game. The knife will become available and automatically go into your inventory after defeating the boss at the end of Chapter 14.
Special Rocket Launcher
- Location: Chapter 16.
This weapon is known to all fans of Resident Evil 4, as it is with its help that Leon deals with Lord Osmund Saddler. You will be able to pick it up in the story at the end of the battle. After completing the game, you can start New Game+ and buy the rocket launcher with infinite ammo from the merchant for 2,000,000 pesetas.
Weapons Available for Purchase from the Merchant Only
Not all weapons can be found by exploring locations. Some of them can be purchased from the merchant for pesetas (in-game currency). Such equipment can be bought in any chapter, but each weapon has its own start of sales.
Bolt Thrower Crossbow
Starting from Chapter 2, you can buy it for 10,000 pesetas. The advantage of this weapon is in the ammunition, which you can pick up after shooting.
SR M1903 Rifle
Along with the crossbow, in Chapter 2, you can also buy this rifle for just 12,000 pesetas.
TMP Submachine Gun
Will appear in the merchant's updated assortment starting from Chapter 3 for 10,000 pesetas.
Rocket Launcher
A single-use grenade launcher will appear in the shop starting from Chapter 4 for 80,000 pesetas. The price may vary depending on the location and found bonuses. A powerful weapon, used for instant area clearance. Useful for repeat playthroughs when the size of the wallet does not matter.
Police Shotgun
A semi-automatic weapon that can be bought from the merchant in Chapter 6 for 28,000 pesetas.
Blacktail Pistol
Will be available for sale starting from Chapter 7, costing 24,000 pesetas.
Skate Rifle
The best rifle in the game costs only 30,000 coins and will appear at the merchant in Chapter 7.
Broken Butterfly Revolver
Another weapon that will become available from Chapter 7 for 28,000 pesetas.
Striker Shotgun
Will be available for purchase from the merchant in Chapter 10. Cost — 38,000 pesetas.
Killer-7 Pistol
Can be purchased in Chapter 13 for 77,000 pesetas.
Weapons Available for Spinels
I would like to mention separately the weapons for precious gems.
Punisher Pistol
Starting from Chapter 2, you can get this pistol for 5 spinels.
Matilda Revolver
In Chapter 8, this powerful revolver can be exchanged at the merchant for 10 spinels.
To obtain the Weapon Fanatic achievement, in addition to everything mentioned, you will need to find 3 types of grenades (hand, heavy, and flashbang). They can be found randomly as you progress through the story, as well as bought from the merchant or even crafted.
How to Get Bonus Weapons
To unlock the following three guns, you'll have to put in some effort. First, you need to complete a specific challenge and earn an achievement, after which you can purchase the item separately in the game menu under the Bonus Shop section. Only then will you be able to use them.
The Perfect Knife
A melee weapon with infinite possibilities. To unlock it, you need to find all 16 wind-up watchers and spend 1000 bonus points in the shop.
Chicago Sweeper Submachine Gun
By completing the game for the first time on any difficulty, you will unlock the New Game+ mode and the Professional difficulty. To get the Chicago Sweeper, you need to complete the game on Professional difficulty and achieve rank A (finish the game in under 10 hours). You can keep all your inventory and quickly complete this challenge if you were thorough and solved most of the puzzles on your first playthrough.
Hand Cannon
To obtain it, you also need to complete the game on Professional difficulty, but from a clean slate (using the New Game mode). There are no time restrictions, but the increased difficulty will require you to use all your knowledge and skills. If you feel confident, you can try to complete the game in under 10 hours to immediately get two bonus guns.
Upgrades and Attachments
You can enhance the power, ammo capacity, reload speed, and rate of fire of each weapon. This can be done at the merchant by opening the corresponding section. Additionally, certain guns have their own special upgrade, which will require a Special Upgrade Coupon. You can buy only 2 coupons per playthrough. After Chapter 7, you can exchange 30 spinels for one coupon at the merchant. Later on, his inventory will be updated, and the next coupon will cost 40 spinels.
As a reward for fully upgrading, you will receive a weapon with infinite ammo, allowing you to forget about searching for ammunition and focus on the story and the world around you.
In the game, there are 7 additional weapon parts. By collecting all of them, you will complete the Attention to Detail challenge and receive 500 CP. Each part can be combined with certain types of weapons. You can also store attachments in the storage at the typewriter if you don't need them.
At the merchant, you can purchase 6 parts:
- Scope — 4,000 pesetas;
- Laser Sight — 10 spinels;
- High-Power Scope — 7 spinels;
- Stock for TMP — 8 spinels;
- Stock for Red9 — 9 spinels;
- Stock for Matilda — 12 spinels.
The last part can be found in Chapter 13. Use the level 2 key card to access the incubation lab. It is located south of the freezer room, where you could find the LE 5 submachine gun.
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