How to Find All Wings in Chained Together

In Chained Together, gamers can find collectible items in the form of wings scattered across the locations to unlock a rare achievement and, if desired, simplify the game's progression. In this guide, we will tell you where to find all ten unique wings and how to use them.
Chained Together is a rare example of a game that became very successful despite being released alongside a giant like Shadow of the Erdtree. The idea of escaping from hell attracted many players who quickly realized it's not that simple. However, progress is not everything: curious players can find something special.
How to Find All Wings in Chained Together
Each wing in Chained Together is located on different levels of a difficult climb. This means you will have to climb to the very top to get the last wing and possibly set a new record. Of course, finding such items is an optional task.
The items can be found at the following heights:
- Wing #1: 0 m;
- Wing #2: 511 m;
- Wing #3: 673 m;
- Wing #4: 1220 m;
- Wing #5: 1394 m;
- Wing #6: 1684 m;
- Wing #7: 2166 m;
- Wing #8: 2523 m;
- Wing #9: 3132 m;
- Wing #10: 3313 m.
For your convenience, we have compiled a complete list of all 10 locations with wings in Chained Together.
Wings #1
The first wings are easy to find. After you appear, run to the right towards the burning torch.
Wings #2
The next collectible item is located in the fort. When inside, at a height of about 500 meters, climb the first ladder. The wings can be seen next to two burning torches.
Wings #3
In the location with pipelines at around 600 meters, you need to find a soda machine. Behind it, you will see a large platform and can observe the wings. Climb the machine, then the pipe next to it to reach this area and pick up the collectible item.
Wings #4
Getting these wings is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. At a height of 1200 meters, find a gray building with white graffiti, then go inside to enter a maze. Focus on the purple glow, and behind one of the walls, a golden hue will appear — this is the collectible item. You just need to find the passage to it.
Wings #5
From the previous wing, climb to a height of 1300 meters. Here you will encounter obstacles in the form of two air fans. Move forward through the first one and stand so that the air flow throws the character towards the building on the left side. Now climb the ledge and go around the building on the left — the wings will be waiting here.
Wings #6
The collectible item is located at a height of 1600 meters. When you pass by the next windmill, jumping on the bags of wheat, you should see the wings on the right side. Try not to fall down when you attempt to grab them!
Wings #7
At a height of 2100 meters, there will be a descent down where you will encounter a broken wooden bridge. Jump over it and climb onto a small platform on the right (in the screenshot, the hero is standing on it). The platform where the wings are located is quite far from the bridge, so you will have to calculate the trajectory correctly to obtain them.
Wings #8
At a height of 2700 meters, you will enter a biome with Chinese structures. The main path will go straight, but you need to go behind one of the pavilions to find the collectible item.
Wings #9
The next mark is 3100 meters. Here you will encounter another broken bridge, which players should jump over to reach a vertical ladder. After doing this, move a little forward to see a drum-shaped platform with wings on the right side.
Wings #10
The final collectible item can be picked up at a height of 3300 meters when you are crossing a water channel. The path will go straight up the stairs, but you need to turn right and enter the green area. The wings are waiting in the corner by the stairs.
How to Activate the Wings in Chained Together
Once all 10 wings are collected, gamers will immediately receive a rare achievement. Additionally, you can also return to the main menu and activate a special mode. To do this, check the box next to Use wings in the Game section.
The wings do not grant immortality and do not allow you to fly high. Instead, they help you choose a convenient landing spot if you suddenly fall during another difficult climb. To use them during flight, activate the jump button and quickly orient yourself to choose a suitable place to land. Although the wings will be active for only a few seconds, in most cases, this will be enough to land on the nearest platform and recover lost progress.