Guide to Monsters in Content Warning (Bestiary)

In the game Content Warning, gamers will have to explore the «old world» filled with dangers and monsters. You will not only have to record videos but also survive encounters with these creatures. In this guide, we will tell you about all the monsters, their behavior, and ways to deal with them.
This is a monster with a light trap on its head, reminiscent of an anglerfish. The Angler is a very unusual enemy in Content Warning, with an extremely low chance of appearing on the map. It uses mimics to create confusion among players and lure them into its light traps. The mimics it releases look very similar to other players, but they can be distinguished by one feature: all the creatures have blue patchwork faces.
If you encounter a mimic in your game, the Angler will soon appear. Be sure to avoid its bright blue light at all costs. If you fall for the bait, the monster will eat the players, leading to instant death.
BigSlap is a giant humanoid without a nose, with extremely large teeth and long arms. This formidable opponent is both large and agile, capable of closing distances so quickly that outrunning him is nearly impossible. He has two combat moves: the standard one will reduce your health to half, and his jumping attack can kill players in one hit.
This monster is most commonly found in the labyrinths of the Old World, so you will be relatively safe on other maps during your travels. This is an area you typically encounter as you progress through the second quota of views.
The unfriendly giant will appear more frequently if you hold his portrait for more than a few seconds. The portrait is a special item that can appear on the Ship or Factory map. Usually, the enemy patrols the area rather than directly hunting the player. If you spot the enemy, run and hide, and try not to be seen by him. Once he sees you, he will most likely kill you.
Bombs is a squid-like creature that crawls and throws bombs at players. Once it notices a potential victim, it will stop and gather bombs from its back to throw them.
The bombs roll before exploding in an area. If you get too close to the monster, it will start glowing orange and explode on the spot, but it won't necessarily die.
Avoid the bombs, move to a safe distance, and wait for the explosion. This is one of the few monsters that will not chase you at high speed, and the bombs are fairly easy to dodge. The shells hiss for a few seconds before exploding, so you will likely have time to react to an incoming shell.
You can fight the monster with a shock baton (it will cost $400). You can also take any of its bombs and put them in your inventory so they don't explode.
This monster looks like a ball of barnacles. It has several tentacles instead of arms, which it can use to attack players and take away some of their health. It also uses a spit attack that reduces health over time and an air stream attack. The latter move is used by the enemy to pull heroes towards it. Once caught in the air stream, it will throw you into the air and cause fall damage.
When you spot it, just try to hide. The enemy will quickly hunt players across the map, but the players' running speed is slightly higher. You can use a shock baton to stun it and buy time to escape.
The dog monster in Content Warning is a quadruped robot with a firearm mounted on its back. It follows players and will stay where the gamers were last seen. In addition, it often scans the area for victims with both its dog eyes and turret scanner (a distinguishing red light), so you will need to be extremely careful.
Avoid its direct line of sight. If you are spotted, try to run to cover that will protect you from bullets. This monster is fairly easy to detect, as its red lasers stand out against the gray color palette of the game's locations. Try to take cover before the turret turns towards you and locks onto your position. We also do not recommend using the shock baton. Doing so will only temporarily stun the dog, but the turret will continue to fire.
Ear is a monster with an ear instead of a head and flat hands. Ear is attracted to noise and moves towards players, grabbing them and dealing minor damage before dropping them to the floor. It poses a low-level threat, and you will be able to survive the encounter almost unscathed, making the monster a great subject for getting views.
This monster is sensitive to sound, so try to be quiet and sneak instead of running. If detected, try shouting into the microphone, which may cause the monster to run away. Nevertheless, the Shock Baton is also a great option.
EyeGuy is a squat monster with giant eyes on its head and long spear-like arms. This creature is relatively peaceful and usually stands still unless activated by light (flashlight or camera light). When interacted with, its pupils constrict, and it attacks players. Typically, players can withstand several hits, making it a good option for filming the monster, and it does not react to external stimuli if you are at a sufficient distance from it.
If you don't want to anger EyeGuy, just keep the light away from its sensitive eyes. If you activate it, you will have to run to avoid the enemy or use a shock baton and Goo-ball (a substance that will allow you to significantly slow down any entity).
Flicker is a jellyfish-like creature with a harpoon sticking out of its head and long leg-tentacles. You will know if Flicker is nearby if the light bulbs start flickering. About a minute later, Flicker fully materializes, and if you look at it, it will glow bright red and trap players. Once caught in its tentacles, you won't be able to look away or escape, resulting in instant death for the entire group. Flicker's mechanism is somewhat similar to Slenderman.
If the light bulbs start flickering and going out, be on alert and look at the ground. Shock batons and Goo-balls will not affect this monster. Fortunately, this monster is a rather rare occurrence in the game.
Ghost is a transparent, legless ghost. If certain objects appear blurry, it usually means that a ghost is in front of them, obstructing your view.
This monster is present in the game files (and can be summoned using mods), but very rarely have players encountered it in the actual game. Use a flashlight to better see the ghost and scare it away.
Knif (or Harpoon) is a cartoonish ghost wielding a knife. The monster resembles a child dressed in a sheet with eye holes cut out, like a Halloween costume. If you hear childish giggling, it means this monster has appeared on the map.
Harpoon will try to attack you with a knife. Upon contact, you will take damage, but you can usually survive 2-3 encounters with it before its attack becomes lethal. After striking, it will giggle and run away. They also have a jumping attack that deals slightly more damage and can knock you off balance.
After it tries to attack you with a knife, it usually leaves the area. So just try to dodge its attacks. Be careful, this is a fast monster that tends to herd you into other monsters in the nearby area. Both the Goo-ball and Shock Baton can be used against this enemy.
The Jello monster essentially represents a large blob of slime. Although these creatures do not deal damage, they can absorb players and transport them to the nearest monster or to the far end of the map.
Do not step into it or get too close. If you do not want to be absorbed, you will have to run and use the terrain, corridors, stairs, and winding paths as obstacles. The Shock Baton does not work on Jello, so be careful.
Larva is a curious monster in Content Warning, resembling a large worm or centipede with two giant protruding arms. Although it may seem slow at first, it will soon gain speed, making it very difficult to escape from. Moreover, its favorite attack is grabbing and throwing players into the air, dealing massive fall damage equal to half of your health bar. If another player is nearby, it will throw you towards them, dealing damage to both of you.
The main way to avoid Larva is to simply run and avoid its extended arms. If you are desperate, use auxiliary items to buy some time.
Mouthe is a squat monster, short but with a wide head and mouth. Mouthe is non-lethal and mostly just follows a chosen player, waiting for them to turn their back so it can scream.
If you get too close to Mouthe, it will emit another loud scream and run away. Mouthe can be safely ignored. You can use the Shock Baton for content creation, but this is rather cruel.
Slurper is a star-shaped monster that clings to the ceiling and uses bait to trap players. The bait is a long piece of rope. It is barely visible but can sometimes be seen with a flashlight. These patient monsters are known to drop bones under themselves to lure players into their traps. If it catches you, it will stick to the player and slowly drain their health.
You can break free from Slurper by throwing something at it. To do this, hold down the Q key. This is possible but extremely difficult when playing solo. Without teammates to help you break free, it will be a slow death.
This monster has a humanoid shape with elongated arms, legs, and a face resembling a jackal. It crawls across floors and usually hides in the shadows. The monster prefers to stalk its prey for a few seconds before grabbing it and dragging it back. Once it catches its target, it will gradually drain your health bar.
Listen for its screech and use a flashlight or camera light to make it slip back into the shadows. You can also use a shock baton.
This arachnid creature has a flat body and a vertically opening mouth. When it finds a player, it will shoot webbing, which then unfolds into a large web to trap the player. A lot of webbing on the floors indicates that this monster has appeared in the location. Once the player is trapped, the Spider will approach and bite them. It typically takes about 4-5 bites to die from the spider.
Run away or use a shock baton to stun the Spider. The main problem these monsters create is that they slow you down, preparing you for encounters with larger and more dangerous enemies.
The Whisk Toolkit is a bipedal monster with screws for hands and a whisk attachment. There are also «Fan,» "Hammer," «Iron,» or «Vacuum» variants that have been found in the game files.
The monster usually roams the Factory map. Once it spots a player, it will prepare to attack. You can usually predict when this will happen as it emits a loud mixed noise just before attacking. You can typically withstand 2-3 attacks before dying. After attacking, the Whisk will be stunned for a while.
Dodge at the last moment to make the monster run into environmental objects. After several failed attacks in a row, the Whisk will retreat. This means you can get footage with low to medium risk.
The Weeping monster is an intelligent trap resembling an iron maiden torture device. It carries a tablet with a puzzle code loaded onto it.
The Weeping can move and capture a player when no one is looking at it. If it captures you, it will activate a 1:30 minute timer during which other players must solve the puzzle code on its device to free you. If players fail to solve the puzzle within three attempts or if the timer expires, the Weeping will drain the captured player's health.
Try to stay vigilant even when running from other monsters, and keep looking at the Weeping if you spot it. If you do get trapped, the only way out is the puzzle captcha. If you are playing solo, unfortunately, you will die as there will be no way to free yourself. Once you free a player from the Weeping, the trap's facial expression will change to a happier one and it will no longer pose a threat.
Zombe is a humanoid crossed with a snail. They are quite slow but pose a significant threat when gathered in groups of 2 to 5. In this case, you will easily be caught by them. These are common monsters in Content Warning that will grab you and slowly drain your health.
These monsters are quite slow, so we recommend running away from them. If you get caught, you can use sprint to break free or use a shock baton to stun them.
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