Complete Walkthrough of The Killing Antidote at 100%

In the game The Killing Antidote, a mix of horror and adventure, players are immersed in a dark and dangerous world. The action takes place in 2033, and the main character Jody, being a journalist, strives to find an antidote to the zombie virus. In this guide, we will describe a detailed walkthrough of the game, tell you how to get all the weapons, key cards and share codes and passwords.

Chapter 1. Office premises of the 7th Bio Institute

Note: The game is in early access. We will update the guide with the release of new chapters.

How to get a gun

Appearing in the office, your first task will be to find valuable clues. Open the closet door near the exit to the office corridor to find a first aid kit.

Follow the corridor, go through the only open path and jump over the obstacle. In the room with the corpse on the left, you will see a knife, take it.

To the left of the table with the knife on the couch, you will see an axe, take it too. You will also need a gun. Go further down the corridor, bypass the obstacle and enter the only unlocked door. Inside the room, you will find several zombies, kill them using the previously found weapons and approach the locker with the password to find the firearm. The code for the locker is 5678.

Open the door, take the gun with ammo. To the left of the locker is a locked door, to open it, shoot the door lock. Enter inside, take the ammo, as well as a jar of medicines. Also, between floors A3 and A2, you can find a badge with the Z emblem (1).

Follow further down the corridor and enter the open door on the left. On the table next to the box, you will find a key card.

Straight down the corridor, you will see a door that requires this key card to open. The room you open can be used as a safe save point. Such rooms are scattered throughout the game, here you can also change the character's outfit. Go left down the corridor with the AZ sign, open another door with the key card, deal with the zombies and enter inside. Search several containers to find first aid kits and climb the stairs to the A2 corridor.

In the A2 corridor, you will hear crying from the Data Room. The door to the room is locked, so head to the room, the path to which is blocked by boarded-up wooden planks. Break the boards with an axe, enter inside and press the only button here.

Also in this room is a coded locker with ammo. The password is #520.

Pressing the button will open the gates in the room with the containers. Go down, enter the open door and get rid of the zombies. Climb to the second floor, continuing the fight with the undead. Go further down the corridor to see a hole in the wall. Jump onto the bridge below, go to its end and go down even lower. Enter the door near the place where you jumped.

Inside, you will see an unlocked ventilation hatch — follow inside to get to the next office area. Zombies will appear from the passage with the bloody X mark. You can kill them or run straight to the end of the corridor. Open the door using the previously found key card and investigate the computer. The woman inside the data room is an experimenter who got stuck due to a circuit malfunction. Go to the Controller tab to find out the door code.

Return to the room with the locked girl and enter the code. Unfortunately, the test subject has turned into a zombie. Kill her and search the locker inside the room to get another key card. On the table to the left, you will also find a Z emblem (2).

Head to the third floor of the building to find and take the assault rifle with ammo behind the door with a password. The door code is 3758.

Next to this door, on the shelves, you will see a player. The voice will tell you about a girl he couldn't save and also give you the password for the door where she is located. Go to the second floor of this building and follow the corridor to open the door with the password. The code for the panel is 1314.

Entering inside, you will see a zombified girl connected to an unknown device. As soon as she breaks free, step back and shoot. This enemy has a lot of health and can kill the heroine with just a few hits.

Close the fuel pipe. Where to find the valve

To start this mission, go down to floor B1 and walk down the corridor on the left. There will be a pipe accompanied by a fire.

You need to find the valve. Return to the B1 corridor, jump over the grid, enter the room without doors on the left and press the button to open the main gate.

Be careful: there is a mine in the room with the button!

Go inside the opened room and look up to find the valve. If you shoot the item, it will fall, and you can pick it up.

Return to the pipe, insert the valve, and interact with it, after which the fire on the upper levels should be extinguished. After putting out the fire, go up one floor. In the upper right corner, you will find a hole in the floor — go down to find the hidden emblem (3).

How to wash off the poison

This quest will catch you unexpectedly. You need to find a safe place to take a shower. Go to floor A2. You will see a huge room with zombies — deal with them. Before the save room on this floor, you will find a Z emblem (4). Climb up the shelf.

Then jump onto the nearby crates. Keep going until you see the shower room.

Enter inside and interact with several taps. They won't work due to the lack of water. Also, in one of the lockers, you will find a red key card.

How to restore water supply

You need to find the control room on floor B1 and turn on the pumps. Return to floor B1, jump over the grid again, and enter the room with the pumps. Climb the ladder in the corner of the room and enter the glass-enclosed area. There you will find a button — press it.

Use the computer in the same room, open the Controller tab, and next to the line that says Water Pump, click the Turn On button.

The pump is working, now you just need to open the water supply valve. Get to the pipe where you connected the valve and remove it.

Return to the room with the pumps and open the door with the bloody X mark. Shoot all the zombies that attack you and go inside the room. On the left, you will find the water supply valve, insert the valve and interact with it.

The shower is ready to use. You can't get to the shower the same way, as you won't find the shelf in its place. Return to the room on floor A3 where you took the rifle and listened to the recording on the recorder. On the way back to the shower, after meeting the weeper, you will again find yourself in the atrium area, where on one of the shelves you will find the Z emblem (5), left by the previous inhabitants.

The path is now unobstructed. Entering the room, you will again meet a zombie with a lot of health. We recommend retreating while attacking it. Run to the room where you found the zombie and enter the next door. As soon as you do this, a continuous wave of zombies will begin. Shoot the enemies.

After defeating all the undead, go to the end of the corridor through the open door and go down one floor using the hole in the floor.

Enter the shower room, take a shower, and watch the cutscene. At this moment, a new monster will appear, unlike any you have seen before.

How to escape from the Devourer

All you have to do is run. The Devourer is capable of smashing walls, floors, and ceilings, so we do not recommend stopping. Follow through floor D2, which you can access using the hole in the floor to the left of the shower, until you reach the ventilation grate. Climb inside. While escaping from the Devourer, you will come across a room with an explosive device in the center. To the left of this place is a toilet, on which lies a badge with Z emblem (6).

How to retrieve the lost backpack

All the heroine's belongings were left in the backpack, which disappeared during the escape from the monster. You will need to find a way to return and get your belongings back. Break the weak boards on the floor to get to the floor below.

Note that you will encounter a large number of undead on your way. But since you have nothing to fight with, we advise you to avoid them. Follow the corridor until you see another hole in the floor, then jump down to floor E0. In the middle of the room, you will see a mine — you should bait the zombie blocking the way forward to step on it, then enter the next room. Here you will find a new weapon — a bow.

After falling from the collapsed path from A3 to A2, go around the area from the opposite side and you will see badge (7). On the left, in the locker, you will find arrows and a button. Press it and run to the room on the right, shooting zombies along the way. Enter the door that opens with the button and turn on the huge fans using the green switch.

Approach the blades and use the sprinting skill while crouching to get through them. On the left, you will see a door. Enter, go down the stairs, and run down the corridor until you see a long ladder. Climb it, go through the ventilation shaft, and open the door. Shoot the gas cylinder through the window to blow up the passage. Enter inside, where you will find Z emblem (8).

After the scene with the unknown armed people, you need to get away without being detected. At this point, the game introduces a stealth mechanic — you will have to silently eliminate the newly arrived uniformed people. In the left corner, you will see a ladder. Go down to floor E1, search all the boxes and drawers to find a blue keycard. Return to the place where you found the people and open the door with the key you obtained. Walk down the corridor; in the room filled with large boxes, inspect the shelf near the door — on the bottom shelf, you will find a badge.

Jump onto the green fishing containers and go to the red container where you will see Z emblem (9). On the ground, next to the green fishing container on the lower floor of the atrium, there is also badge (10).

Inside, you will find people fighting zombies. Do not engage in the fight until the zombies have defeated all the living, then clear the room. In the room on the right, you will find a door with a code lock. You can find the code yourself by exploring the location and paying attention to posters with numbers. The password is 9842.

Search the opened room to find a yellow keycard.

You also need to approach the computer desk and interact with the password detector case. Inside, there is money. The password is 0219.

Return to the hangar, approach the door that requires the yellow keycard, and activate it.

Once inside, you will see an armed man with the professor, and in a moment, the heroine will be in the crosshairs.

After another scene, the heroine finds herself in a new place. Run straight down the corridor and find the ventilation. Crawl through it, collect all the loot in the next room, and enter the only door.

Now you need to go through the maze. It is equipped with a large number of zombies, and your weapons were taken away after the fall. Run to the left part of the maze to find a room with a knife, medkit, and grenade.

Go through the corridor to the left of the room and find a crack in the wall. Throw a grenade into it to get a pistol and ammo.

From the exploded wall, turn left twice to find a ladder and get out of the maze. The Z emblem is hidden on the other side of the ladder wall, in a small recess (11). After climbing the ladder, turn around and jump over the gap. You will find the emblem around the corner (12).

Entering the door at the top, you will see new mutants not previously encountered. However, they have slightly more health than standard zombies, so they do not pose a particular danger.

After getting rid of the undead, get out of the room using the switch next to the door.

Run to floor B2 and enter the room with the password detector case. Inside the case is a key, and the code for the case is 9584.

Exit the body bag room through the door to the right of the last badge. Head towards the doorway with blood on the floor and explore the floor until you find a hole at the bottom of the stairwell. Continue down the corridor. At the end, you will find a small room with a single locker containing the Z badge (13).

After getting the money, run to the endpoint in that part of the building where the elevator is located. Open it, kill the zombies, and go to the 4th floor.

On the floor, you will see a vending machine — spend the previously obtained money on several mines. You can also find the Z emblem to the right of the pylon (14).

We strongly recommend saving before proceeding further. From the save room, run to the right. You will see previously encountered bridges, and in the wall — another crack. Use a mine to blow up the wall and get into the office.

Go down the corridor until zombies break down the door behind you. The Z emblem will be in the room filled with books (15/26). Run to the end of the corridor and shoot the ever-arriving zombies. Enter the door, find another case with money on the shelf, and enter the password — 7649.

In the same room to the left of the case, you will see a coded locker. The password is 9885, inside you will find the Z emblem (16).

Inside, you will find an orange keycard. To the left of this room is a door with an orange lock. Use it and enter inside to get into the room with the bathroom and take the backpack. In the locker and on the table in the meeting room, you can find the Z emblem (18). Don't forget to carefully inspect this place!

After turning the hot water back on, you will need to return to A3 to get to the shower. On the table next to the weeper, there is a badge ready to be found.

How to save kidnapped people

Open the door with the orange keycard on the floor with the shower room, inside you can find the Z badge (19). Go to the left part of the corridor — there is another door with the same lock. Entering inside, you will see a large number of stairs, this place is the main movable part of the office, from where you can get anywhere.

Go down the stairs to the very bottom. On the ground, you will find a badge waiting for you (20). On level A1, in the stairwell, there is a door with a red keycard. To the right of it, there is a crack in the wall. Use explosives to get inside, and on the table in this office, find the Z emblem (21). On floor A1, activate the keycard on the door again. In the left part of the room, you will see a professor taken hostage.

The professor will give the heroine a white keycard, and as soon as he starts to leave, he will be killed by an unknown creature. When the creature attacks you, keep in mind that it has a lot of health and can kill with one hit.

Shoot the explosive barrels to deal more damage to the enemy. Before talking to the professor, we also advise you to place several mines in the room.

On floor E3, on the lower shelf next to the yellow cabinet, you can find a badge with the Z emblem (22).

How to get through the underground lab You will need to get to the elevator control room to adjust the stop floor. Run to the top floor of the main building with the stairs and use the white keycard given to you by the professor.

Climb up the boxes and enter the only open door to get to the control room. In the first room, you will find a badge (23), turn right and pay attention to the shelf. In a small recess, you will find another Z badge (24).

Interact with the computer, open the Controller tab, and activate two sections:

  • Elevator entrance A4;
  • Elevator entrance B1.

Use the code hidden inside two lockers to open the password-protected door with the badge (25). Run to the elevator and go to floor B1. Upon arrival, you will see an unknown device. On the shelf to the left, there is a Zombie Removal Tool — an item that identifies zombies and shoots lasers at them (8 charges). Insert it into the device to open the door.

Inside the room to the left, you can find another password detector with money. The code is 7121.

Exit the room and run to the left part of the room to find the entrance to the control room. You will need to restore the power supply. After exiting the elevator, you will see a place for an installation item. Install the buzzer, zombies will break the double doors, and you will find the badge on the shelf in this room (26).

Be careful: this time mutants with a lot of health will attack. We advise you to timely purchase first aid kits in the vending machine, which can be found in the control room. After dealing with everyone, you need to go to the underground laboratory. Return to the fourth floor, in the control room turn on the following controllers:

  • Elevator entrance A4;
  • Laboratory elevator entrance.

Return to the elevator and go to floor X.

How to Find All Hard Drives

  1. The first hard drive can be found in the control room inside the safe. The safe code is #520.
  2. You will find the second hard drive in the Sealed Office (heart drawing on the wall). This hard drive is also hidden inside the safe. The code is 1314.
  3. The third drive is located on floor A2 in a small office. Going down to floor A2 and reaching the end of the corridor, you will see the room. Inside, on the table, you will find the item.
  4. The fourth drive can be found during the Weeping in the Data Room mission. Opening the door in the locker, you will find another drive.
  5. You will find the fifth hard drive in the planning department, in the locker. The locker code is 0210.
  6. The sixth hard drive is located on floor E2. After completing the stealth mission, you will see a room with a large number of various packages and shelves. In the room, open the locker where the item will be.
  7. The seventh drive can be found when you take the elevator to the fourth floor from the data room. The cracked wall needs to be blown up, jump over the obstacle and enter the door. Inside, in the case, you will find the hard drive.
  8. The eighth hard drive is the easiest to find. Go to floor D3 and enter the conference room. On the table, you will see the drive.
  9. The ninth drive is located on floor A4 in the room with the warehouse. Use the white keycard given to you by the professor, and climb the boxes to the balcony. The door on the balcony leads to the warehouse. Entering inside, you will see a locked locker where the drive is located. The locker code is 6083.
  10. You can find the tenth drive by going up to floor A5. Enter the living room and open the locker to find the drive.
  11. You will be able to take the last drive only after turning on all three blocks and fending off the zombies. Access on the lower floor of floor A5 will be available. Enter inside and open the suitcase on the table to find the eleventh hard drive.

Chapter 2. Research Center of the 7th Bionstitute

You appear in a spacious corridor where you finished the previous chapter. Move forward and turn right at the first turn. Here, on a crate, you will find a gun and ammunition for it. If you want to pick up more ammo, go down the stairs and take the supplies from the shelf.

Proceed to the central laboratory

Go back. In the left corner of the corridor, you will see an explosive cylinder — shoot at it and make a few more shots at the glass if it wasn't completely destroyed by the explosion.

On one of the computers, you can read an email, then exit through the only door here. In the corridor, you will encounter a mutated laboratory worker. Shoot at the cylinder on his back to trigger a detonation and deal with the threat. Another enemy will be waiting around the corner to the right. This will also help break the glass on the right and left.

Tip: You can use one of the enemies to lure into the starting location and blow up the cylinder next to the sturdy glass, behind which a box with clothes (pink panties) is visible.

If you examine the room on the right, you will find several medications on the shelf. In the room on the right, there is a button on the wall — use it to open the door in the corridor. Don't forget to pick up the ammo on the chest behind the wall to the right.

As soon as you enter the room, several zombies will attack the heroine. One of them, in a police uniform, is quite a powerful enemy, so it's recommended to step back and deal with him from a distance. Examine the room and find a wrench, a hammer, and a gas wrench. These are all melee weapons, and whether to use them or not is up to you.

The code for the locker in this room is four asterisks (****). Inside are automatic rifle rounds.

If you leave the room, there will be a lounge room to the right (you'll find new clothing items here), and further down the corridor is a double door. Approaching it, a group of zombies will attack the girl. Move forward down the corridor and eliminate a few more enemies. Once in the spacious room, the first part of the task will be completed.

How to find the key card with a wrench

To the right is a locked door, which we don't need yet. Follow the corridor to the right and deal with a group of zombies. One of the enemies is waiting on the left around the corner. Get rid of all the enemies in this area and return to the central room, then climb over the fence to find yourself in front of the laboratory gates.

The passage, of course, is locked. Approach the gates and turn right into section B2. Here in the corridor, a group of zombies will be waiting, but you can easily deal with them if you shoot the cylinder on the scientist's back. Note that the enemies will be standing very close to you, and the explosion may affect the main heroine.

If you go to the left and examine the safe room, you can find new shoes for the girl, as well as medications in the drawer of the nightstand and a sewing kit.

Continue down the corridor. In the first room on the right, you can find medications, and if you open the second door on the left, you'll have to fight enemies, but you won't find anything valuable here. As soon as you get close enough to the stairs, a large group of infected will descend from there.

After dealing with them, enter this corridor again and open the farthest door on the left next to the stairs. In the wall cabinet, take the key card with the wrench icon.

How to open the laboratory gates

After doing this, as soon as you leave the room, several enemies will jump out from the room opposite. One of them will have a cylinder on his back — you can lure him closer to the glass and blow up the cylinder to inspect the room. However, if you go up the stairs, you will trap yourself, as several similar enemies will be waiting there. The explosion of the cylinder in a confined space will definitely kill your heroine.

If you go up the stairs, on the shelf in the corridor to the left, you will find a piece of clothing. There are no other valuables here, so you can return to the gates and use the previously found key card on the warehouse door to get plenty of ammo. The warehouse door is located right in front of the laboratory gates.

However, to progress in the story, you need to head to the opposite corridor. There is a similar lock here — use the key card and open the door.

Enemies will be waiting upstairs. Make your way down the corridor and find the only unlocked door here. Behind it will be a large group of zombies — use grenades or mines to quickly get rid of them.

After clearing the area, find the door with a button. We recommend not pressing it, but shooting from a distance, as at this very moment zombies will break it down, one of which has an explosive cylinder. There will be even more enemies ahead, so try to prepare for the battle.

You will end up in the area where you came from earlier. Find the door with a card reader and use the found key card. When the door opens, a cutscene will begin, ending the chapter.

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