A Game About Digging A Hole: Tips and Achievements Guide

A Game About Digging A Hole is an engaging simulator dedicated to the art of digging a hole in the garden of your newly acquired home. In this guide, we've gathered useful tips on resource extraction and treasure hunting, as well as explained how to earn all the achievements in the game.
Game Tips
Although A Game About Digging A Hole is not overly complex, players may encounter some questions during the gameplay. In this section, we've compiled the most frequently asked ones and offered valuable recommendations.
How to Earn
The gameplay is quite simple: you will use the initial tool to excavate in the garden to find various resources. Initially, these will be stones and coal, but as you delve deeper into the ground, the items you extract will become more valuable for sale.
Keep in mind that your character has an energy reserve called "Battery." If the battery level reaches a critical point, the player will lose some life force and all items in the inventory.
Which Tools to Upgrade First
First and foremost, focus on your needs. However, if you aim to quickly complete the game and earn achievements, it's worth concentrating on upgrading the digging tool, battery, and jetpack. An increased battery charge will not only speed up the digging process and allow you to delve deeper but also ensure a safe return to the surface using the jetpack.
How to Break Large Stones and Rocks
As you explore the mine in your backyard, you'll encounter large stones and rocks that cannot be broken with a shovel or drill. In such situations, dynamite will come to the rescue, which can be purchased at the garage terminal for $100 each. However, use it with caution, as it not only destroys sturdy rocks but also obliterates valuable resources.
How to Open the Chest in the House
From the beginning of the game, you'll find a locked chest with two locks in your garage. To open it, you need to find two keys. According to the gaming community, they can be found within the first 50 meters, as no one has managed to find them deeper.
How to Reach the Treasure and Complete the Game
To reach the main treasure and complete the storyline campaign, you need to descend to a depth of 100 meters. The entrance to the mine with the chest is located in the very center of your garden, but as mentioned earlier, you may encounter large rocks along the way, which you will have to bypass initially. Additionally, there are two adits underground with regular chests, where you can find some money and other tools such as lamps and dynamite.
Once you reach a depth of -110 meters and find the cave entrance, you will need to pass through two large adits with giant moles. They patrol the area along a single route, so you just need to sneak past them. Even if you get spotted, just run forward and interact with the chest at the dead end.
How to Get All Achievements
Currently, the game is not very large, and if you wish, you can complete it in less than half an hour — there is even a special achievement for this. Perhaps in the future, the developer will decide to expand the game or offer something new to their community. Below we have detailed all the achievements in the game and provided instructions on how to obtain them.
To obtain the trophy, you need to destroy 50 resources. This can be done if your backpack is already full. The game mechanics are such that when there is no space in the inventory, the mined resources are simply destroyed. We recommend doing this at the very beginning, as the inventory capacity is very limited.
Old Crate
As we mentioned earlier, to open the chest in the house, you need to thoroughly explore the depths from 0 to 50 meters to find two keys. If you are close to the goal, a special device will appear in the character's hands. Follow the sound signal to find the keys and open the chest.
The goal of this trophy is to collect 100 units of stones. If you aim to complete the game in record time, you are unlikely to achieve this in the first run. However, the number of collected stones accumulates in different playthroughs.
Like the previous trophy, this can be obtained regardless of the number of new session launches. You need to hit the ground with a shovel 4,000 times. It's important to remember that when you upgrade your tool to a drill, the counter will stop.
At various depths, you may find special ore that cannot be sold. This item is unmistakable as it brightly glows with all the colors of the rainbow. To achieve the trophy, you need to collect at least 5 of these stones. But as we mentioned earlier, be cautious with using dynamite, as it can destroy resources.
To earn the achievement, you need to accumulate a total of at least $20,000 in one or multiple runs. This is most easily done at depths from 80 to 100 meters, where you will find valuable resources such as platinum and diamonds.
Dynamite in the game does not have a strong destructive effect and is mainly used for destroying large stones and hard rocks. Its price is not small — $100 each. To get the achievement, you will need to spend $10,000 and blow up 100 sticks of dynamite. All used items accumulate in different runs.
Reach the cave entrance at the 110-meter mark, pass two adits avoiding giant moles, and open the main chest.
Long Fall
Currently, on Steam, this achievement is one of the rarest, with only 12% of users having it. To obtain it, you need to make a jump and be in free fall for 4 seconds. It is recommended to dig a hole at least -80 meters deep, just below the second entrance to the adit with the regular chest. The task is complicated by the fact that the flight may be interrupted by pieces of earth floating in the air, which you might not have destroyed in advance — pay attention to this before attempting the achievement.
The Fastest
To get the next achievement, you need to complete the game in less than 30 minutes. A full playthrough is considered the opening of the main chest in the cave at the -112-meter mark. This can be achieved by quickly upgrading equipment and digging strictly downward, without being distracted by valuable items, keys, and additional adits.