That's Not My Neighbor Walkthrough Guide: Chester's Questions and All Endings

That's Not My Neighbor is an indie horror game with elements of simulation and puzzle. The goal of the game is to identify monster doppelgangers pretending to be ordinary people. In this guide, we have detailed all the necessary information for completing the game.

Game Mechanics Basics

The player takes on the role of a concierge in an apartment building, tasked with identifying everyone who enters. The main game mechanics are described below.

  • Resident Documents: Each resident provides two documents — an ID and an Entry Request. Check them for consistency with the dossier data.
  • Dossier: In the lower right corner of the screen, there is a folder with dossiers on all residents. Use it to verify information.
  • Phone: Call the resident's apartment to ensure they are actually home. If someone else answers, it may be a doppelganger.
  • Checklist: Fill out the checklist, noting the presence of documents, appearance match, and inclusion on today's list.
  • Emergency Call: If you are sure you are facing a doppelganger, press the red button to call D.D.D. (Department of Doppelganger Detection).

How to Identify a Doppelganger

This section contains all the necessary information on how to recognize a doppelganger among residents.

If the resident is on the list:

  • Document Check: Ensure that the ID and entry request match the dossier data.
  • Appearance: Compare the photo from the dossier with the resident's appearance. Pay attention to scars, birthmarks, and other features.
  • Call the Apartment: If the resident does not live alone, call a neighbor to confirm their identity.
  • Stamps: Documents should have two stamps (black and red) with the D.D.D. logo.

If the resident is not on the list:

  • Document Check: Even if the resident is not on the list, check their documents for consistency with the dossier data.
  • Call the Apartment: Call the apartment to ensure the resident is truly absent.
  • Appearance: Compare the photo from the dossier with the resident's appearance.
  • Stamps: Ensure the documents have the correct stamps.

Chester Titor's Questions

Chester is a mysterious character who appears in the game and asks the player challenging questions. If the player answers all the questions correctly, the man rewards them with a gold medal that appears on the office wall and does not return. But if the gamer answers incorrectly, Chester leaves but may appear again the next day with the same question until the player gives the correct answer. The questions are often related to riddles, mathematics, and pop culture references.

Questions in Arcade Mode

Question #1:

  • Question: What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything else?
  • Answer: 42.
  • Explanation: Reference to the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

Question #2:

  • Question: What is the scientific name of the Australian animal that drastically changes its appearance when removed from its natural habitat?
  • Answer: Psychrolutes Marcidus.
  • Explanation: The blobfish, which looks normal at depth but turns into a "pink blob" on the surface.

Question #3:

  • Question: What is the name of the only sport that allows you to punch your opponent in the face because they capture a piece?
  • Answer: Chess boxing.
  • Explanation: A hybrid of chess and boxing, where rounds alternate.

Question #4:

  • Question: At least how many times do you have to fold a 0.01mm thick sheet of paper to cover the distance between the Shire and Mordor?
  • Answer: 38.
  • Explanation: The distance between the Shire and Mordor is 1779 miles.

Question #5:

  • Answer: Uranus.
  • Explanation: Vigenère cipher translated as "What is the name of the seventh planet in the Solar System?".

Question #6:

  • Question: According to F.S.M. global warming is a consequence of the fact that since the 19th century the number of ______ decrease.
  • Answer: Pirates.
  • Explanation: The Flying Spaghetti Monster claims that pirates and global warming are related.

Questions in Campaign Mode

Question #1:

  • Question: In what year was the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything published?
  • Answer: 1979.
  • Explanation: Reference to the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams.

Question #2:

  • Question: What is the number of different permutations of the most relevant Mersenne prime in computing?
  • Answer: 302400.
  • Explanation: The Mersenne prime 2,147,483,647 has 10 digits with repetitions. Formula: 10! / (3! * 2!) = 302400.

Question #3:

  • Question: MVWKZIEXN + WFLTENX =?
  • Answer: 428653855.
  • Explanation: Each letter corresponds to the number of lines in its writing. For example, M=4, V=2, W=4.

Question #4:

  • Question: How many elements are in the powerset of the set of happy palindromic numbers less than 10000?
  • Answer: 536870912.
  • Explanation: There are 29 happy palindromic numbers less than 10000. Number of subsets: 2^29 = 536870912.

Question #5:

  • Question: Given that the answer is a natural number with 9 digits, the probability of guessing this question correctly at random is 1 in.
  • Answer: 900000000.
  • Explanation: The smallest 9-digit number is 100000000, the largest is 999999999. There are 900000000 possible numbers.

Questions in Nightmare Mode

Question #1:

  • Question: Lastname of the man behind the true face of the mask most known to internet users.
  • Answer: Fawkes.
  • Explanation: Guy Fawkes mask used by the Anonymous movement.

Question #2:

  • Question: Which number would give you the victory in a contest of writing the largest number with the conventional rules of the Roman numeral system?
  • Answer: MMDCCCLXXXVIII (3888).
  • Explanation: The largest number that can be written in the Roman numeral system.

Question #3:

  • Question: Name of the hairiest lieutenant of World War II.
  • Answer: Wojtek.
  • Explanation: Wojtek was a Syrian brown bear who served in the Polish army.

Question #4:

  • Question: Temple where once a god caused the largest pandemic ever seen in all the great dark beyond.
  • Answer: Zul'Gurub.
  • Explanation: Reference to the boss Hakkar the Soulflayer from World of Warcraft, who caused the Corrupted Blood epidemic.

Question #5:

  • Question: Clave name of the multicellular organism with the ability to clone anything it touches its rhizome.
  • Answer: SCP-038.
  • Explanation: Object SCP-038 from the SCP Foundation universe.

Question #6:

  • Question: How many numbers are formed with the digits of the cardinality of the parts of a set with the first perfect and happy number of elements?
  • Answer: 45360.
  • Explanation: The first perfect and happy number is 28. The cardinality of the set of all subsets: 2^28 = 268435456. Number of unique permutations of digits: 45360.


Depending on how the player recognized clones and allowed residents into the house throughout the game, the following endings are possible:

  • Just Like Henry. Complete the game with a few mistakes, but keep most of the residents safe. You do the job well enough, but not perfectly. Most residents survive, but some die at the hands of duplicates.
  • Six Feet Under. Let in all the residents, including the duplicates. The duplicates take over the building and then the entire city. You die, becoming a victim of the chaos.
  • Entitled to One Call. Call D.D.D. on all residents, including the real ones. You are arrested for the murders of the residents, and the building remains empty.
  • Conspiracy Theorist. Complete the game, saving all the residents, but call D.D.D. on Doctor Afton. You uncover a conspiracy, but you are taken away in a body bag. The doctor remains unharmed.
  • Model Employee. Complete the game without a single mistake, not letting in any duplicates. You receive an award for flawless work and save all the residents.
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