Steam launches free giveaway of Castle Break, an unusual game combining four genres

Steam has kicked off a new free game giveaway. The game in question is called Castle Break, which boasts a 91% positive rating. The giveaway will last until October 13th, after which the game will be available for $5.

Castle Break is a unique blend of several genres, including brick breaker, air hockey, shooter, and building.

«Hit with your mouse like in air hockey, deflect enemy bombs back into the evil Black Castle. Acquire new weapons and building blocks to protect your soldiers — you can't win without them», — reads the description.

Key features include engaging gameplay, one-mouse control, a single-player campaign with 30 levels, and a leaderboard.

You can add Castle Break to your library here.

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С 2003-го в теме. До безумия люблю Survival Horror и Sci-Fi.
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