First Adult Ciri Cosplay from The Witcher 4 Appears Online

Following the recent announcement of The Witcher 4, the internet has been flooded with fan creations. Among the many illustrations and fan art pieces, one stood out—a cosplay. A creator known as thedarkesttale has already stepped into the role of the new Ciri.

The cosplayer posed alongside a German shepherd while donning armor. The breastplate was borrowed from another costume, but the Witcher swords were in place.

Ciri and Good Boi After watching the Witcher 4 trailer I couldn’t resist to cosplay new Ciri with something I could pull out of my wardrobe

As for it’s not mine! A nice lady in the woods offered me to take a pic with him, so, of course, I said yes!

Previously, thedarkesttale has cosplayed Ciri, Yennefer, and Triss from The Witcher 3, even dedicating a special video to the red-haired sorceress.

For now, The Witcher 4 doesn’t have a release date. However, the developers have shared plenty of details, including updates to the combat system, changes to Ciri's abilities, and new romance options.

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