Sony invites gamers to explore PlayStation's 30-year history on its website

This December marks the 30th anniversary of the PlayStation, which first launched in Japan. To commemorate this milestone, Sony is inviting gamers to take a journey through the brand's history on its official website.

Visitors can delve into details about every PlayStation console released over the past 30 years, including their total sales, hardware specifications, and other fascinating information.

For example, the PS1 sold 102 million units between 1994 and 2006 (the period of official support), while the PS2 surpassed the 160 million mark.

30 years ago, our journey begins with the PlayStation console. Launching in Japan on December 3rd 1994, the first PlayStation console became an instant hit and went on to be the breakout product of E3 1995 and launch later that year to huge success in North America and Europe.
— Sony

Previously, there were reports suggesting that Sony might be planning a major event to celebrate the brand's 30th anniversary. Additionally, rumors indicate that the company is working on a portable console capable of running PS5 games.

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