Top 15 Best Minecraft Mods You Must Play

Last year, we already prepared a selection of the best mods for Minecraft. Of course, we couldn't fit all the projects deserving attention into it, so we have prepared another material. In it, we have collected the best modifications for the popular game that you must not miss.
Playable Minecraft in a Chest — Minecraft inside Minecraft
Craftsmen have already launched Doom inside Doom. How about playing Minecraft inside Minecraft? This is exactly what the author of the Playable Minecraft mod, known as SethBling, offers. The mini-game has all the features of the original except that you have to control the character through the chest interface. An interesting feature: all actions performed in the chest make changes to the main game world.
Go where no Steve has gone before, loudly declare the creators of the Galacticraft mod in the description of their creation. With the help of the addon, the player has the opportunity not only to travel through the Solar System and explore its mysteries but also to colonize planets. In addition to the meticulously recreated celestial bodies, several storyline quests have been added to the game. By completing them, you can build your spaceship, establish a base on the Moon, and even fight Martians.
MineFactory Reloaded
This addon is called the best technological mod for Minecraft. It adds many new machines and devices to the game. For example, you can now create a conveyor and your own transport system. To not be unfounded, let's turn to dry numbers: the mod offers more than 30 new mechanisms, more than 15 new types of glass, three new liquids, and countless decorative blocks. Of course, MineFactory Reloaded can be run together with other addons.
The Twilight Forest
Another mod that is sure to appeal to fans of exploring new biomes in Minecraft. The addon adds a portal to the game, through which you can go to the Twilight Forest. This place is reliably hidden from sunlight by sprawling tree canopies. It is inhabited by previously unseen creatures, and it is unknown which of them will be friendly. One thing can be said for sure: the more actively you explore the world, the more secrets it will reveal.
Portals are one of the main problems when exploring new worlds in Minecraft. The thing is, you can't see the world before you enter it. Sometimes this is very inconvenient. Moreover, many are annoyed by the long loading times. The BetterPortals mod solves these problems. The addon allows the player to peek into the world they are about to step into, removing the loading screen. The mod doesn't work with all other addons, so be sure to check if your favorite world is supported.
An addon that will surely appeal to all fans of playing with multiple modifications at once. CONTROLLING adds new features to the game for more flexible key binding settings. Often in modifications, different actions are set to the same keys by default, so if you install several mods, problems arise. Now you can simply find keys not used in the controls and reassign new functions to them.
Mist Biomes
If you lack mysticism in the original game, then the Mist Biomes modification is just for you. The addon adds seven new unique biomes with dense fog to the game. The anomalous weather prevents plants from growing and increases the number of monsters at night. The developers assure that the mod will change the usual survival patterns, making the game much more difficult. Whose footsteps can be heard behind the dense veil?
Progressive Automation
A very useful mod for all automation enthusiasts. The addon adds an automatic miner to the game, as well as a device that independently grows and harvests plants, and other useful devices. For example, if you are too lazy to breed animals on the farm, a special auto-breeder will do it for you. Moreover, each mechanism can be upgraded. Having created a tree farm, over time you can upgrade it to collect diamonds. The addon works with other mods as well. So unleash your imagination and start creating.
Digging is one of the main activities in Minecraft, as only underground can you find valuable minerals and other treasures. But let's agree, sometimes you get tired of digging endless tunnels. For such cases, a tunnel boring machine has been added to the game, which will free you from the routine. Leave the hard work to the machine, and you can focus on decorating your house or killing mobs. Over time, the drill head can be replaced, which will significantly speed up the process.
Draconic Evolution
There are many mods that add new weapons and equipment to the game. One of the most interesting modifications of this kind can safely be called Draconic Evolution. The addon is based on a unique block called Draconium Ore (it can be found in the Overworld, Nether, and End). It allows you to create not only new weapons and armor but even an energy system different from the original, similar to cold fusion. It will be quite difficult for a beginner to figure it out, but the modification definitely deserves attention.
Biome Tweaker
If you are tired of playing in other people's biomes, then you should definitely try Biome Tweaker. The modification allows you to create your own worlds or change settings in pre-generated ones. Want blue grass and green water? No problem! Of course, changing textures is far from the only change. Describing them all would take too much space. Let's just add that with this mod, you can prepare especially challenging trials for your friends.
Sometimes Minecraft starts to seem like too much of a children's game. Just dig mines, build houses, and breed cows. If you feel the same way, you urgently need to pay attention to the BLOOD MAGIC modification. The mod's mechanics are built on extracting power from the blood of mobs. The collected liquid can then be used on a blood altar to create new items like a dagger for ritual sacrifices. Creepy enough to deserve an 18+ rating.
The Bumblezone
The next mod can be safely called Winnie the Pooh's dream. The addon adds a new dimension to the game — a beehive, as the name suggests. A world entirely created by bees features very unusual generation, and the omnipresent yellow fog makes navigation difficult. There are a lot of insects (quite large), so entomophobes have no place here. However, the arthropods do not attack the player. At least, not until you show aggression or steal their honey. Download the mod, find an Ender Pearl, throw it into the hive, and go to the honey kingdom.
Techguns Mod
As a classic once said, Time to shoot. The lack of weapons in the original game is easily solved by the Techguns Mod, which adds many samples of modern weapons and armor to the game. Pistols, submachine guns, rifles, and even blasters — all of this will help you survive the night, fighting monsters. Speaking of which, the monsters have become much more dangerous. Some of them have also armed themselves with firearms and found armor. Fans of gory shooters will definitely like the mod: when you take down enemies, blood spurts out cinematically, and pieces of flesh fly in all directions.
Finally, we have saved not only the most interesting but also the most demanding in terms of hardware. Chocapic13 invites players to enter a completely different world. No, this is not another biome addon. This mod changes the graphics in the original game beyond recognition. The mod introduces new lighting effects: shadows, reflections, sunrises, and sunsets. Water textures have also been updated; the liquid now looks much more realistic. The physics of objects and mobs have also taken a step towards realism. In a word, it is definitely worth trying.
That's all for today. Be sure to write about your favorite mod in the comments. Maybe it will be included in our next selection. We're not saying goodbye!
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