How Aspects Work for Enhancing Gear in Diablo 4: Codex of Power, Extraction and Imprinting

Aspects in Diablo 4 are passive abilities that can be embedded into equipment to gain unique properties and increase the character's power. There are over a hundred aspects in the game, some of which are suitable for only one class, while others are available to all heroes. Let's figure out how they work.
What is an Aspect in Diablo 4?
Aspects are, essentially, legendary properties that you can add to non-legendary gear in your inventory. These effects can alter existing abilities for your class or grant a powerful utility. Each enhancement belongs to one of several categories:
- Defense;
- Offense;
- Resource;
- Utility;
- Mobility.
To obtain an aspect, you need to either level up to 25 or unlock it in the Codex of Power. For the latter option, you'll need to complete a dungeon. Hover over the selected dungeon on the map to find out which Codex of Power it will unlock for you. You can track unlocked enhancements on your account by opening the Collections tab. Simply select the Codex of Power tab to see all available aspects in Diablo 4.
If you need to find a specific legendary aspect, you can mark it to set a waypoint on the world map. Follow the indicated path to reach the required dungeon. Note that to enter some dungeons, you will first need to liberate a stronghold.
Usually, you need to clear the dungeon: kill all the monsters, find certain items, then open the gates and defeat the boss. As a result, you will be rewarded with a legendary aspect and see it in your Codex of Power.
You can also find enhancements in a special section of your inventory if you extracted them from an item. All legendary-quality items already have an aspect, but you can also create your own at the Occultist.
How to Get More Aspects in Diablo 4?
There are two ways to obtain enhancements in the game:
- Completing a dungeon where an aspect is awarded as a reward;
- Extracting an aspect from a legendary item, which will be destroyed.
If you have a legendary item that you don't need, you can visit the Occultist. He will destroy the legendary item but add its aspect to your current character's inventory. You can now use it on a new, more powerful item.
Enhancements added to your Codex of Power are available for use by every character, so it doesn't matter which class you use to complete the dungeon, because each of your heroes will have access to the reward.
Where to Find the Occultist in Diablo 4?
Approach the Occultist, who is marked on the map with a symbol of three small circles. They can be found in any major city. In Kyovashad, the main settlement at the beginning of the game, the Occultist stands on the left side of the city. Interact with the character to open two menus: on the left, the aspects menu, and on the right, your inventory.
These are not all the tabs and functions available with the Occultist. You can also change the characteristics of selected equipment here. But the most valuable and useful feature is the ability to extract and imprint enhancements.
How to Imprint an Aspect in Gear in Diablo 4?
Aspects have different slot requirements — some are suitable only for off-hand weapons, while others will work in jewelry. Aspects are marked with a symbol indicating the item they can be inserted into.
Aspects obtained in dungeons and available in the Codex of Power can be endlessly imprinted into various items — you won't have to clear caves repeatedly. The main thing is to have enough materials and gold for the imprinting.
Enhancements extracted from equipment can only be imprinted once. But you can carry duplicates in your inventory. Duplicates do not necessarily provide the same stats. The second enhancement may give a greater boost to characteristics.
In the Codex of Power and dungeons, you will find a wide selection of useful enhancements, but some properties can only be obtained from equipment. The item into which you insert a new aspect will retain its other properties. And if it was a rare, not a legendary item, it will turn into one.
If you inserted an enhancement into an item, you will not be able to extract it a second time. Therefore, plan ahead when and what you want to spend it on. You might prefer to save it for later.
- Select an item of equipment from your inventory into which you want to insert an aspect;
- Select an aspect from the Codex of Power or the inventory section that you want to imprint;
- Press the «Imprint Aspect» button at the bottom of the screen to craft a new legendary item.
You will need gold and Veiled Crystals, which can be obtained by dismantling rare weapons, jewelry, and armor.
How to Extract an Aspect from Gear in Diablo 4?
For example, you have a level 30 legendary sword with a good property, but you have «outgrown» it and no longer need the item. Extract the aspect and use it with new weapons. Or just keep the enhancement in your inventory to use it when you decide to change your build.
- Go to the second tab in the Occultist's menu on the left;
- Find the legendary item in your inventory from which you want to extract the aspect;
- Check the resulting item to make sure you haven't mixed anything up;
- Press the «Extract Aspect» button at the bottom of the screen.
The process of extracting an enhancement from an item will destroy it, so decide in advance that you no longer need it. Unlike imprinting, extracting an aspect will only cost a certain amount of gold.
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