Articles TOP 10 Heroes of Games, who were unfairly accused of crimes and imprisoned

TOP 10 Heroes of Games, who were unfairly accused of crimes and imprisoned

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Sometimes real lawlessness is happening in video games, and completely innocent people are punished for far -fetched crimes. It is about the heroes who were behind bars as a result of glaring injustice, that we will tell in this article.

Geralt (The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings) — Couldn't save Foltest endlessly

At the end of the first Witcher, Geralt saved the life of King Foltest and became his personal bodyguard, but he was unable to prevent another assassination attempt. The security guard's career was short-lived: already in the prologue of the second part, the king of Temeria falls dead, the assassin escapes, and Geralt is accused of regicide. Fortunately, after interrogation, Vernon Roche is convinced of the hero's innocence and helps him escape. In the end, the witcher will find the real killer and clear his name.

Dovahkiin (Skyrim) — Finally woke up and almost lost my head

«Hey, you're finally awake.» These words have long become a meme, and they do not bode well for the main character. The cart with rebels and criminals is heading straight to the place of execution, but the Dovahkiin is superfluous in their company. They are going to take his life because of an absurd mistake, and who knows how it would have ended if the dragon Alduin had not attacked the fortress...

Leo Caruso (A Way Out) — Framed for a murder he didn't commit

Leo cannot be called a saint and a role model. The hero was brought up in an orphanage and took a crooked path early on. Except he ended up in prison for a crime he didn't commit. While selling an incredibly valuable diamond, Leo is betrayed by his partner, and revenge is what the game is all about. Together with another prisoner Vincent, we will have to escape from prison, break away from the pursuit, meet with his wife and child and kill the bastard who framed us. And the dramatic ending will definitely make even the most severe gamers cry!

Tork (The Suffering) — Killed his wife and children... or not?

The main character of the game is called Tork, and he killed his wife and children in cold blood... At least that's what they say, because he himself doesn't remember anything. Once Tork is on death row, very strange things begin to happen in the prison. The cell door opens, and behind it hundreds of terrible bloodthirsty creatures await the hero (villain?). Tear them to pieces, figure out what is happening here and, of course, restore memory — these are our goals. There are three endings in the game, and the outcome depends on the actions of the gamer. In the best possible outcome, Tork will remember that he didn't kill his family, and that the scumbag bandits were to blame. The case promises to be reconsidered, but will this make things easier for Torque? Hardly. But the worst ending makes it clear that it would be better if the scoundrel went straight to the electric chair...

Ethan Mars (Heavy Rain) — Another victim of the Origami Master

One of the heroes of the game, Ethan Mars, had to endure many difficult trials: first, one child fell under the wheels of a car, then the second was kidnapped by a serial killer. But the mysterious gaps in the hero's memory and indirect evidence keep hinting: is there a ruthless killer hiding behind the skin of the unfortunate father? The game has many endings, and in one of them Ethan ends up behind bars... Alas, the ending of Mars in this case is tragic. A father who has lost two children cannot cope with the burden and commits suicide.

Sam Fisher (Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials) — Never piss off a tough agent

Hard times begin for Sam Fisher in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Sam, grieving after the death of his daughter, is sent to prison, but imprisonment is only part of the agent's plan to infiltrate a terrorist network. The real charges against Fisher will be brought in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials. An agent sneaking in the dark is accused of murdering the director of the top-secret Third Echelon unit. Sam realizes that someone set him up and is looking for ways to get out of the situation. Well, it's better to find out for yourself how the story arc, which extends into the continuation of the series, will end: the plot here may surprise you.

Lucas Kane (Fahrenheit) — It would be better if the villains didn't set him up

At the very beginning of the game, our hero takes the life of a random person with his own hands. His guilt seems to be obvious, the criminal needs to be punished. The police immediately begin to follow Lucas' heels, getting closer and closer to him. But is everything so simple in this story? As we will soon find out, no. Lucas Kane would never commit such an atrocity on his own free will. The player needs to get to the bottom of the truth and save the hero from an unfair accusation, and the world from a terrible conspiracy.

Lee (Gothic) — A great warrior who became a victim of intrigue

Lee is a man of humble birth who, thanks to his work, determination and military abilities, took a high position at the court of Robar II. He commanded the royal army in the legendary Battle of Varant and defeated the enemy forces, becoming a true hero. Who would have known that the great warrior would become a victim not of the sword, but of insidious intrigues. On a false accusation of murdering the queen, he was sentenced to death, but the king commuted the execution to lifelong hard labor in the Valley of the Mines. Of course, such an outstanding person will not accept his fate and one day will even become a king.

Marcus Fenix ​​(Gears of War) — Forty years for trying to save his father

Marcus Fenix ​​is ​​a true hero who bravely fought against the Locust for ten years until one day he left his post to save his own father. For failure to follow orders, the legendary soldier was sentenced to forty years in a maximum security colony. Is this a fair punishment? Of course not! Four years were enough for people to understand that the war could not be won without Marcus Fenix. Through hard battles and brave deeds, he will restore his name and lead humanity to victory.

Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows (Prison Break: The Conspiracy) — Prison Break

The game based on the cult series lacks stars from heaven, but is still not so bad. In the story, Michael Scofield goes to prison after committing a fictitious robbery. His goal is simple — to get his unjustly accused brother out of prison. But we will have to play not as the main characters of the series, but as an agent of the organization that framed Lincoln. We need to find out the brothers' plans and prevent their escape. But did anyone doubt that our efforts would be in vain?


Как видите, герои игр часто оказывались несправедливо обвинёнными, но это их никогда не останавливало. Сила, как известно, в правде — и они были сильны как никто другой. А каких ещё героев игр, фильмов или сериалов отправили за решётку из-за преступлений, которые они не совершали? Пишите в комментариях!

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